Feb 05, 2010 18:16
The past month has been something of a logistical nightmare; Ferdi is in town (and by 'in town' we mean 'on Sol's couch', because that's what big brother's couch is clearly for), which of course is the same week that Tonya's parents are in town (that'd be why Ferdi's on the couch and not in a guestbed), and Tonya is having great fun running interference between her parents and her husband and cursing the former for not giving her enough warning to find the latter something much more important to be doing than needling, again, the former. All of which means that as much as he might like to get out to LA - sooner rather than later - he's having enough trouble finding ten spare minutes to use his goddamn phone.
(We haven't even got into work.)
All in all, though, Sol'd take the complete insanity of his home right now (he loves them all - all right, except his in-laws) over the metallic silence that he's been abruptly dropped into, and after eyeing the walls with open suspicion for a few moments, he pinches the bridge of his nose and swears. He's still wearing his suit from work (classic black, a buttondown shirt and leather shoes, with...dragonfly silver cufflinks), although he's got rumpled in the hour since he left the office, and he'd really like to get on with the rest of his afternoon so he can take that off.
After which he raises his voice- "Leila," he says, in a controlled, polite tone, "I'm incredibly sorry about what I said, but I'm running late and I don't have time for this. Don't you think this is a little much?"
{ the brucolac,
{ leila yilmaz,
{ solomon koenig