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[ visual ] glowingseer February 1 2010, 04:37:21 UTC
Cordelia picks up her tablet, a smile already in place. Thank god you're in Taxon, Levi - otherwise she would have wallowed in depression for, like, the next ever.

And depression is so not a good look on her.

"Oooh! Like Joan and Melissa Rivers of the red carpet?"


[visual] levilup February 1 2010, 04:53:07 UTC
Levi to the rescue! When he comes back a few moments later, he picks up his tablet and grins at the image of Cordelia on the screen, nodding.

"Precisely. We'll make quite the team."


[visual] glowingseer February 1 2010, 05:12:06 UTC
"Then I'm so very in," she replies. "I can't, however, guarantee that I can actually drag Angel to come with. He totally freaks out when it comes to girl things, the dork."


[visual] levilup February 1 2010, 05:40:34 UTC
"Oh, what a stick in the mud," Levi jokes, flopping down on the couch once more. He kicks his feet up on the table idly as he continues. "Well, if you can convince him, he's welcome to come. Shane isn't a fan of the makeup thing, so at the very least, he'd have a friend to complain to."


[visual] glowingseer February 1 2010, 05:48:06 UTC
"More like stick in the granite," she says, rolling her eyes. Cordelia goes silent for a while, before adding, "I don't suppose your Shane can, like, fight? With swords, axes... crossbows?"

She's doubtful, but hey - stranger things have happened.


levilup February 1 2010, 06:04:53 UTC
"That's actually a much better comparison," Levi chuckles. And then there's the whole question about Shane fighting, and Levi purses his lips. "Mm, not that I'm aware of? I'm sure he could learn, but... I'm not sure he wants to. Why?"


glowingseer February 1 2010, 06:19:19 UTC
"Well... I'm thinking we could use that as some sort of bargaining chip, you know? For him to come. If there's anything Brood Boy loves to do, it's fighting." A dreamy expression crosses her face for a tiny second before Cordelia shakes her head. "Kinda obvious with the muscles, don't you think?"


levilup February 1 2010, 06:31:36 UTC
That dreamy look earns Cordelia a knowing look from Levi. While muscles may not exactly be Levi's thing, he still knows how to appreciate them. "I'm sure they can find something to bond over," Levi says thoughtfully. "Like, perhaps, the fact that their significant others are both shopaholics?"


glowingseer February 1 2010, 06:39:48 UTC
She laughs at that. "That's not something to bond over! That's something to cry about." Because Cordelia knows in her bones that hell will have to freeze over before she can actually drag Angel to the mall again.

"Anyway. When are you planning to do this whole fashion consultant thing?"


levilup February 2 2010, 00:12:54 UTC
"You've a point there, I suppose," Levi chuckles, shrugging. Shane's not quite as adverse to heading to the mall, but it takes a bit of coaxing to get him to go. Usually, if Shane doesn't want to go, he distracts Levi in other ways, and Levi tries really hard not to let himself forget, but... it's hard to do.

"I was thinking around now, actually. A few girls are heading over here, so you're welcome to accompany them." Levi catches sight of his nails as he's speaking and frowns slightly, mumbling something about repainting them. "... Mm, anyway, come on over. I'm about to color my hair and fix my nails."


glowingseer February 2 2010, 23:22:24 UTC
"And you want some expert advice?" Cordelia teases him. "I'll be right over."

She turns off the tablet to do just that.


levilup February 3 2010, 02:47:47 UTC
Annnnd Levi will be sitting in his living room, feet kicked up on the coffee table, painting his nails. The door's open.


[ location : house of fashion and levi ] glowingseer February 3 2010, 03:10:24 UTC
A couple of minutes later, Cordelia saunters in the mansion. She heads towards the living room and waves at Levi. "Oooh, what color did you pick for your nails?" The question, of course, leads her to inspect her own nails in the process. "I think I need to do mine, too."


Re: [ location : house of fashion and levi ] levilup February 3 2010, 05:14:15 UTC
Levi holds up his nails in answer, blowing on the other hand to dry the paint a little more quickly. They're silver, almost metallic, and they glint in whatever available light there is.

"I've about a thousand different colors," Levi replies, grinning at her over his shoulder. "Take your pick. Hello, Cordelia."


glowingseer February 3 2010, 05:43:16 UTC
"Nice," she says in obvious approval. Cordelia peeks at the oh-god-so-many colors and picks up a light pink shade as well as several nail-cleaning tools, then pulls up her own chair to begin the rigorous process of cleaning her nails.

"So. Who's coming?"


levilup February 4 2010, 01:03:11 UTC
To be honest, Levi is actually very pleased with this whole thing. He likes it when people just walk right in and make themselves at home. It makes him feel comfortable, just like how it was back in his original universe. While he does have Shane, and would never trade him for anything, sometimes he misses having a full house.

But that is digressing.

"A few girls. Elena, Max, Uhura... perhaps more, if I can coax them."


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