002: [Location: prowling in the southeast section of the city]

May 07, 2009 01:01

Faith'd found her bike, complete with some belongings in the hatch amounting to some makeup and stakes. Which - what more did a slayer need? Now she was jonesing for a fight, something to do to get her mind off of being cooped up again. It did not, in fact, help that there were no prison guards or bars, thanks a bunch ( Read more... )

{ faith lehane, { melaka fray, { siri tachi

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melakafray13 May 8 2009, 19:31:02 UTC
Melaka had grown bored in the Watcher's Counsel library, a.k.a. home and found herself grabbing her coat, despite the weather, and a replica of her cherry red blaster, sliding it in the holster at her hip. Leaping up and out of the expansive hole in the glass ceiling, she landed on the roof in a crouch before standing, looking left than right, before starting off across the rooftops in a random manner, having missed that in Haddyn.

Her pink and black locks were tugged backwards by her momentum, and as she moved farther and farther away from her loft, the smirk grew across her face. In one section of the city, up ahead, she could see a larger gap between the rooftops, which would require an extra little oomph.

Melaka charged forward, and leapt, arms outstretched, fingertips just brushing against a balcony rung before she went tumbling down, hitting the ground hard. All the wind escaped her lungs, a curse or two going along with them. She lay on her back, on the ground, not far from where Faith stood. "Well, that tickled," Mel muttered, laying there, chest rising and falling, staring up at the artificial ceiling.


loveme_fearme May 15 2009, 21:31:58 UTC
The distinct sound of a body meeting pavement brought Faith's attention to her right to peer at the figure on the ground as she reeled from her fall. Faith sauntered slowly toward it, fairly certain she recognized the voice from a previous conversation.

"Nice landing," Faith started. "Give you a 8.7 for style."

She leaned against the wall, giving the girl plenty of room to get herself up. If that had been Faith, she wouldn't have accepted anybody's help getting up, and so she treated her the same. Judging by the fight in her voice from the tablet, it was a safe bet on Faith's part that she'd made the right choice. Let the girl show her stuff, then Faith'll offer a little more. That's prison credit 101 right there.


melakafray13 May 16 2009, 21:44:06 UTC
At the judging, Mel glanced over, seeing the brunette leaning against the wall. The voice seemed vaguely familiar, but it was taking her a second to place it. Mel braced her hands against the ground, before lifting her legs sharply and pushing at the ground. Within a moment, she was on her feet, brushing off her backside.

"Coulda been worse. Landed on my face before. From a drop..." Mel trailed off, looking up at the buildings, "way higher than that."


loveme_fearme May 17 2009, 02:36:44 UTC
Her eyebrows lifted at the comment, and Faith followed the line of sight upward. Melaka the city monkey?

"That why it looks that way?" Faith joked, fairly dryly. She couldn't help herself, distance was her M.O. even with someone she should probably be playing the nice game with. She justified her actions by reassuring herself that any slayer worth her stock is complete with a snarky hard outer shell.


melakafray13 May 17 2009, 03:12:13 UTC
Melaka lifted her hand to her face, stroking her index finger against the scar that extended from her upper lip. "Nah. I'm just naturally pretty. I got this here from a lurk by the name-a Icarus. He's the jackhead that turned my brother."

Might as well tell the truth. No use in lying when, well, when you're stuck in a place with no friends. If you're honest when you start off, folks know what to expect from you.


loveme_fearme May 18 2009, 01:47:24 UTC
Faith nodded and lifted her tank top up over her belly button to reveal the nasty scar from her own knife.

"Scars make us bad asses. No worries," she said a little defensively. She hadn't actually noticed the mark until it had been completely pointed out. Open mouth, insert foot, huh Faith?


melakafray13 May 18 2009, 23:45:01 UTC
Mel glance down towards the scar and nodded. Looked like it hurt. She shrugged, looking up at the brunette, arching an eyebrow. "Damn."

"Faith." She said simply. It wasn't a question. She'd said enough that Mel'd recognized her voice.


loveme_fearme May 18 2009, 23:58:16 UTC
"The one and only," she acknowledged, then thought about the statement. "Well...kind of. I'm not too sure about the bad slayer turned good ratio any more."

Faith pushed off from the wall and strolled forward. "You out stretching your legs too, huh? I'm dyin' for something to stake," she said conversationally, now that they'd been through their pissing contest and come up fairly matched.


melakafray13 May 19 2009, 00:25:38 UTC
"Can't stand bein' cooped up like this. 'm used to Haddyn. Big, little ruttin' city. Got a lot of places to run, plenty o' lurks to poke. Grabs to make. Kept me busy," Mel grew quiet for a moment.

"I'd take it in a 'beat. Even with the toy shit that's happened."


loveme_fearme May 19 2009, 01:07:24 UTC
"Locked up isn't my favorite pastime, either," Faith agreed. She couldn't help but feel like she was in prison again, even with the space available to her.

"Been there before, didn't ever expect to go back. Thought I'd come out and try to find something to put the hurt on, but so far I've got nothin'," she said. "I was planning on heading out as far as I can get, see if I can't break through whatever the hell's in my way," Faith explained, a note of invitation extended to her fellow slayer.


melakafray13 May 19 2009, 22:19:07 UTC
"I think a few folks've tried that before. Just ended up hittin' a wall," Mel mused, thinking back a little ways. "Been that way, myself. Just a wall. Unbreakable rutting wall."


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