oo7 → living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live [ visual ]

Jan 19, 2010 12:31

In the midst of her furious rearrangement of priorities, and several intriguing arrivals that she felt obliged to take an interest in, Petrana very nearly forgot what had drawn her out of her self-imposed isolation in the first place. It was bad manners, and it would absolutely never do-

Which is why she sits down at her tablet in her usual greys, hands folded. "On the subject of my recent teaching request, I must notify all interested parties that the position has been filled by Professor Snape. If Master Standfast could contact me at his earliest convenience, all the same, I would be very grateful. Thank you."

...that is so much more sweet-tempered than how she peremptorily summoned the aforementioned Professor in the dead of night.

{ petrana, { jason bourne

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