[Accidental visual/Location: Wilde] My kingdom for a power coupler

Dec 27, 2009 17:50

Aeryn had managed to avoid the frigid cold by holing up in an empty garage someplace in Wilde. It wasn't anything spectacular; it was about as large as one of Moya's smaller docking bays, but had plenty of room to house her Prowler and still allowing her plenty of room to move comfortably. It looked as though it had been used previously to fix automobiles or other large transportation vehicles, but now it was just an old, empty mechanical nest filled with archaic tools and one rather beaten-up Prowler.

The ex-Peacekeeper and the small ship had been through more than she could remember, beginning from before she had been considered 'irreversibly contaminated' all the way to when it had been shot down and destroyed. At least, she thought it had been destroyed. So much of what she thought was real or made sense to her was suddenly as foreign as the city she now reluctantly called home. Yet somehow here was her Prowler, all in one piece and running like the day she had first been assigned to it... for the most part. For one reason or another, the ship had been struggling to function properly for days, and Aeryn could not for the life of her figure out what was wrong. She was no PK Tech, she was a soldier, a pilot. She was taught to act, not to think, but the longer she spent away from the Peacekeeper ranks the more Aeryn tried to remedy that. She no longer wanted to be a mindless doll for others to control, she wanted to make her own choices, regardless of if they were the right ones or not. Right now, it seemed they were not.

With the side panel of the small ship flipped open, Aeryn was elbow deep in grease , oil, and other various mechanical fluids. She was bent over, body half-hidden as she nearly crawled into the mechanical engine of the Prowler. A loud clang and she tossed a tool over her shoulder. It landed on the work bench with a thud behind her where her tablet had been sitting quietly, but the movement brought the small electronic device to life.

"Frell!" she shouted and hoisted herself up out of the engine. Her bare arms and hands were smeared with grease in places where the black tank-top left skin exposed and her dark hair was messily pulled back in a bun. She wiped her forehead and left a small streak of grime as she stared down at the engine furiously. For as much trouble as her Prowler had given her over the past few days, she was insanely grateful for the welcome distraction from other troubles it brought. The smell of the oil, the feel of the engine beneath her hands. It was all real, something she could touch and feel.

Aeryn heaved a heavy sigh and crossed her arms across her chest furiously. "Where are the frelling PK Techs when you need them?" she asked no one in particular and picked up a wrench to dive back into the engine. "With all of this alien technology used to create an entire underground city, you would think they would be able to give me more than these primitive tools to work with."

"Deficient species..." she murmered wearily.

{ cameron mitchell, { aeryn sun, { john sheppard

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