Those that either visited the Sanctuary For All, or lived there, had probably noticed that Helen was not in the infirmary that day. The bed she was in had been neatly made and put back into order as it should of been. Instead, with a bandage across her head from the injury she suffered, Helen had moved several boxes out of the storage rooms up into
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As he stepped into the doorway, he crossed his arms and said, "You're rather chipper today? Christmas bug caught you?"
But he did have to be somewhat stingy with his good cheer, and the smile is soon marred with some measure of concern. "How's your head?"
Which, just merely was the large complicated version of 'I am better.'
She smiled again though. "Most likely it explains my manner of speech, my mannerisms in general, and my accent?"
He smiled back at her. "Well, I suppose I thought you were merely somewhat old-fashioned. But yes, it certainly does." He eyed the boxes somewhat carefully. "And you've had plenty of time to collect Christmas decorations, I see. Are you planning to put them up today?"
Mohinder wasn't exceedingly familiar with Christmas, but he had been through a couple in New York. It was close enough to Diwali that he could understand parts of it, but some of the cold weather traditions still mystified him.
"Not all today. Usually we decorate a fair amount of the Sanctuary. However, with so few residents, we only need to decorate the areas that people are in most of the time. I was thinking about recruiting our current residents to help. You're more than welcome to join." Helen then paused. "And perhaps you could bring a bit of your own traditions too."
"Regardless, I can certainly help with the decorations, especially the hard-to-place ones," he added with a bit of a smile. "Recruitment certainly sounds like a practical idea." There wasn't much most people here were busy with, so there would likely be plenty of people to help.
"Festival of Lights... I certainly hope my Sanctuary in New Delhi has gotten back on it's feet by now." She mused softly to herself. Even before the Cabal attack, Helen had to find a new Head of House for New Delhi. The accident in the Hindu Kush left her without one. "But, yes, ultimately, the Christmas holiday is about hope."
So yes, there was quite the warm smile in response to her assertion. "Well then, perhaps I can contribute. And I can certainly help today. Just tell me what I can do." He'll wait until they're actively putting things up to offer his use of his ability to place the decorations higher. He doubts Doctor Magnus has seen it before, and- well, if he was taking a break from the more serious kind of help, he might as well enjoy it.
He stepped up to a box and just looked inside, curious. "So you have a Sanctuary in India?" he asked idly.
"It was attacked by the Cabal, unfortunately. It along with Tokyo, Moscow and Beijing were attacked, and Tokyo was completely destroyed." A small frown tugged at her face. "We managed to get most of the Abnormals out."
He looked down to the box, feeling as if he must have accidentally drawn the serious subject in somehow. Well, perhaps he could change the subject, as well. Reaching in, he pulled out a large and yet delicate snowflake, made out of some sort of metal. It had many whorls and points to it, and it shining white, with all color accents. It smiled wryly at it. "Of course, the first thing I take out of the box is representative of the cold." He'd been trying to avoid the weather as much as possible lately. He examined the snowflake carefully- he obviously had some sort of affinity for it.
"That was given to me in London, Christmas of 1945." Helen looked at him with slightly raised eyebrows. "One of the boys that had been staying in the U.K. Sanctuary once his home was destroyed by the Blitz. He was an Abnormal, well, rather more like how you all are." She reached up and put her hand under the ornament gently. "Capable of controlling his body chemistry at unseen levels of the time."
He smiled at the snowflake and then up at Helen. "If this is any indication, he was very grateful for the help." After pausing to contemplate the situation, he couldn't help but ask one question. "This place- your Sanctuaries...did you keep them secret from the world this whole time?"
She raised her eyes and smiled at him. "It took him several years, of course."
He set the snowflake to the side and started looking through more of the box. "It's kind of odd- in our world, we had a secret organization called The Company that appeared to do the same job your Sanctuaries do, Doctor Magnus. It was started to help people with special abilities, but it quickly became warped, focused only on research and keeping the reality a secret from the rest of the world. I worked for them, shortly, when I was trying to cure an aggressive virus."
He looked up and gave her a small smile. "I had grown wary of anyone claiming to help us- but this place, it's everything the Company had claimed to be, and more. I truly wish we had them where I come from."
She brushed some of her hair from her face, over her shoulder. "If I could find a way to your world, I'd certainly create a Sanctuary for you all there. You need it."
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