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Re: [location: Sanctuary] 0ne_woman_army November 13 2009, 18:27:05 UTC
Aeryn stared at Chiana as though the girl had just sprouted another separate, but equally annoyingly talkative head. She shook her head slowly but followed her around the corner to the hatch. She stared at it a few moments before doing as the girl said and placing her hand on the pad. She imagined her pulse pistol, complete with holster and a few extra chakkan oil cartridges as she had always worn back on Moya. Much to her surprise, it came falling into a small cubbie near the bottom. Aeryn pulled it out and immediately began strapping it to her leg. "Why didn't we ever have these when we needed them?" she muttered before standing straight again.

"Chiana, you're fahrbot! Talyn and Crais haven't gone anywhere, and last time I checked there was only one Crichton. Believe me, I'm pretty sure I would remember if two of them had shot me down over the frozen lake." The last part came out a little more bitter and upset than she had hoped, but she cleared her throat and turned her attention back to the tablet to change the subject. She pointed to the red blinking dot on the screen. "We best get moving. It will take us over an arn to get that far on foot."


[location: Sanctuary] graygirlpip November 13 2009, 18:57:19 UTC
Chiana was so taken aback by Aeryn's little spiel that she couldn't think of how to respond. The pulse pistol clunked to the hatch just as she was about to try. She shook her head to clear herself of the confusion.

"What? Oh. Yeah." She gestured towards the door she'd come in. "Let's cut the jibber. That's the way out." Hey, she could be helpful sometimes. She walked towards the door, still a little confused and not sure what to say. Chiana remembered all the things she was talking about, sure, but it was like Aeryn was stuck in the past. Or frelling kinkoid. Both were a distinct possibility.

Taxon's sky was permanently gray. Chiana hadn't thought much of it. Sometimes planets just had gray skies. She glanced around, getting her bearings again.

"Which way?" She wasn't the one with the map with a big blinking dot, after all.


[location: Sanctuary] 0ne_woman_army November 13 2009, 19:10:50 UTC
Aeryn cursed herself silently for letting the emotions get the best of her. The Peacekeeper in her mind told her to just shut up and clamp down, but the other portion told her it was okay to express them. For the time being, the Peacekeeper was winning.

Feeling much more comfortable with a pistol strapped to her thigh, Aeryn followed Chiana to the door and outside onto a foreign, gray planet. She looked up at the dark sky and sighed. "How welcoming," she muttered with a snort. With a quick surveying of her surroundings, Aeryn glanced down at the map on the tablet and found the small red dot. "This way," she pointed South-west with a quick check of the coordinates. "I think."


[location: Central] graygirlpip November 13 2009, 19:38:10 UTC
Chiana glanced over Aeryn's shoulder when she seemed confused about the map system. Recognition set in, and she bounced excitedly.

"Hey, there's that, that thing." She was really articulate when she wanted to be. "Gris, what I mean is that there's this big... thing they use around here. Transport pods on the ground. Something like that." She shook a hand to indicate that it didn't matter. "There's one nearby and it stops here." She pointed to a space close to the dot, then up to the tram station just a few blocks away.

"Dag-yo." She added, happily. "Maybe this won't take so long, huh?"


[location: Central] 0ne_woman_army November 14 2009, 02:39:32 UTC
Aeryn watched Chiana bounce and dance around her like a fekkik and waved a hand at her like she would a fly buzzing around her head.

"Breathe, Chiana. You won't make it another twenty microts talking like that." She gave a tiny smile then turned her attention back to the tablet when Chiana pointed to it. "Grounded transport pods? And they move?" Her eyes followed Chiana's finger to the station and then she looked back down to the mocking red dot.

"It had better be worth this trouble, whatever it is."


[location: Central] graygirlpip November 14 2009, 04:38:11 UTC
Chiana led Aeryn towards the tram station, still not sure of how to phrase it. She peered at the map to make sure she knew which colored line to follow. That had been all she really needed to know to make getting around Taxon make a little more sense.

"It's pretty drad, Aeryn. I mean, as far as grounded transport pods go." The trams were incredibly timely, and as the clock ticked over, another one arrived just on time (like always). Chiana hopped on and waited for Aeryn to do the same. The line would take them towards Aeryn's little dot. She sat, fidgeting her hands and looking out the windows.

"You might want to sit. They can move kind of f-" Too late. The tram started moving them down the line at an alarming rate.


Re: [location: Central] 0ne_woman_army November 14 2009, 17:31:51 UTC
She followed Chiana warily through the streets to the station that she pointed out moments before, though instead of watching the little map like the Nabari was, her eyes were watching her surroundings, surveying the lay of the land, committing as much of it to memory as she could. If she was going to be stuck here, she wanted to make sure she knew everything about this place.

"Mmm," she replied to Chiana's excited comment about them. As far as she was concerned, grounded transport pods just seemed... useless. But before she could say another word, one came screeching to a halt in front of them. Aeryn stepped cautiously onto the tram and looked around. "And this will take us to th- frell!" The tram lurched forward and Aeryn threw her hand out to grasp one of the metal bars propped up in front of her.

She hated being this clueless and vulnerable.


[location: Central] graygirlpip November 14 2009, 17:39:00 UTC
Chiana instinctively reached for her when Aeryn went flying. Luckily, her friend found a metal bar and steadied herself. Laughing nervously, Chiana shrugged.

"I tried to warn you." She cocked her head to one side and looked at her own tablet. "Should only take a few microts before we get there." She leaned back in her little seat and noticed that there were a few extras on the tram. "Guess I should fill you in on these kinkoids." She gestured to the closest one, obviously not caring if she was heard. "It's like their all a bunch of fekkik. Nothing going on behind the eyes." She waved her hand, getting a basic reaction from the female across from her.

"Think it might be what happens here?" She looked back at Aeryn, "Like that's what we're headed for?"


[location: Central] 0ne_woman_army November 18 2009, 04:16:38 UTC
Aeryn watched the interior of the grounded pod with an intense curiosity that came with the soldier in her. Though her exposure to unclassified alien life forms what was landed her as "irrevocably contaminated" before, she had always had toe urge to know everything about an enemy. Whether these extras were enemies or not, it never hurt to be too prepared.

She looked from the Nabari to the woman across from them, noticing the blank, vague expression on her face. It made her uneasy and Aeryn watched the woman with distaste. "What the hezmana is with these people?" she said with a tiny shudder. The thought of becoming a mindless drone again was not something she was looking forward to.

"Fekkik is right. Compared to the people chatting me up on this thing," she waved the tablet in Chiana's face, "these ones are a bunch of gleebos. You think they're Sebaecean?" She looked at a man who was sitting a little ways down from them. "They could be human..."


[location: Central] graygirlpip November 18 2009, 13:21:17 UTC
"I'm not so sure what they are." She glanced around, noting how none of them cared that they were talking about them. "The whole thing is fahzbot, if you ask me. We've seen some dren in our day, but nothing this frellnik." She leaned her head back as they made it through the first few stops. There's would be the next, so Chiana jumped up and grabbed a railing. She let her body swing with the motion of the tram.

"But hey. You're here, Crichton's here. We're bound to get off, yeah?" She nodded, as if to convince herself more than Aeryn. "Yeah, that's right. We'll be home soon. Moya and Pilot and the crew. Hell, I'll even kiss Rygel, I'll be so happy to be home." Had it been that bad? Chiana had been having a decent time. She'd even made a friend of sorts (even if he was a bit of a gleebo himself). Homesickness was never something she had been expecting, but here it was.


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