008: [location: serenity] & [accidental visual]

Oct 20, 2009 17:25

Here is Mal, thankfully not smashing things in a rage this time around, but instead absorbed in a much more sedate activity. Said activity involves the kitchen table on board Serenity, and a frankly bizarre array of ingredients spread out across it, with a mixing jug in the middle. He appears to be doing something ungodly involving high protein ( Read more... )

{ malcolm reynolds, { dean winchester, gwen raiden, { hoban washburne, { cameron mitchell, { inara serra, { penny, { cordelia chase

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[voice] fudgingkillyou October 20 2009, 22:40:32 UTC
And you were expecting something different?


[visual] skyfrome October 20 2009, 23:44:32 UTC
Mal recognizes Dean's voice, and as he no longer wants to shoot the kid, he's fairly personable.

"Well, it can be near-on tolerable, if you can get the recipe right. Which, evidently I can't, as this tastes worse than a monkey's hindquarters."

...he likes his creative imagery, okay.


fudgingkillyou October 21 2009, 01:29:05 UTC
[Well, that's a relief. Dean had been vaguely worried about the whole 'becoming swiss cheese' thing.]

I don't know what the hell kind of drink you got where you come from, but I'm gonna go ahead and say this: duh.


skyfrome October 21 2009, 02:10:37 UTC
"You shouldn't knock what you ain't had the misfortune of tryin'."

...not that Mal is trying to defend Mudder's Milk, because really. That's a lost cause.

"And, for the record, where I'm from we don't got a whole lot that don't involve some kinda protein or other-- which leaves very little room for culinary finesse."


fudgingkillyou October 21 2009, 03:09:00 UTC
Uh huh, I think I'm gonna avoid that combination of edible stomach acid. [Dean is skeptical, Mal. No way in hell he will ever try that stuff. Sounds nasty.]

Dude, you're in Taxon, and you're trying to make something like that when you've got like, a thousand hatches? [No, really, explain to Dean your logic, Mal.]


skyfrome October 21 2009, 13:20:03 UTC
"Suit yourself." It would probably be entertaining to watch Dean try it, but Mal isn't about to pester as far as that's concerned.

"I don't always take kindly to bein' pampered. Sometimes the best things are the ones you make yourself. Obviously there are exceptions. As, for example, now."


fudgingkillyou October 21 2009, 22:16:52 UTC
Right, yeah, okay. So you gonna keep trying to make whatever the hell that is, or you gonna get some real booze?

[That might be a suggestion, because Dean is sad and lonely without his booze-buddy Xander. Protip, Dean, Mal is probably not the best replacement.]


skyfrome October 22 2009, 00:39:28 UTC
"Well, I wouldn't be averse. You gonna join me?"

Nonsense, Mal is a perfectly good replacement. If you happen to like surly ex-soldier guys who steal things and shoot people and fly spaceships. ...and who doesn't like those?


fudgingkillyou October 22 2009, 00:57:14 UTC
Hell, why not. Haven't had a good drink for weeks.

[... Actually, why are they not friends yet? Oh. Wait. There was the whole Kaylee thing. Riiiiight.]


skyfrome October 22 2009, 11:47:43 UTC
"Shiny. You got a venue of choice? I haven't sampled much of Taxon's facilities."

...Because he spends too much of his time holed up in his ship like a crazy hermit is the subtext here. Also yes, there was that-- but as he never saw Kaylee in floods of tears over it, he's willing to water under the bridge that one. And yes, that is a verb.


fudgingkillyou October 22 2009, 20:24:12 UTC
Not sure. The only place I know of is that Fangtasia place, which burned down. [He sounds vaguely smug about that.] And The Bronze is gone, so. I'm not against the idea of wandering 'til we find something, you?


skyfrome October 23 2009, 12:16:20 UTC
"Oh, is that the smokin' wreck I walked past not a day or two ago? Wondered about that." It's very easy to stay out of all that sort of drama if you're not directly involved... which frankly he had no desire to be. He's still somewhat in denial about the fact that vampires even exist.

"Can't say I ever visited the Bronze, anyhow." Though he knew of it, vaguely. "Sounds like a solid plan to me. Meet you in Sanctuary Square in twenty?"


fudgingkillyou October 23 2009, 22:18:28 UTC
You actually left your ship? [Hurr, snark snark, says Dean.]

Sounds good to me. See you.


[location: Sanctuary Square] skyfrome October 24 2009, 00:29:03 UTC
"Now if your auto was as fine as my ship, you wouldn't leave it either." My mode of transportation is cooler than yours, nyeah nyeah, says Mal.

"Sure thing." He nods, before shutting off the tablet.

...He'll be there at the appointed time- maybe slightly before, hands in the pockets of his brown coat and kicking the dust idly with his boots.


[location: Sanctuary Square] fudgingkillyou October 25 2009, 07:25:45 UTC
Mal, don't start a war. Dean would reply to that, except Mal turns off his tablet. So of course, Dean spends the entire ride to the Sanctuary thinking of something in response to that. When he gets there, he parks, and climbs out.

"Hey, don't diss the wheels, man," Dean calls out. Yes, that's all he could think of.


[location: Sanctuary Square] skyfrome October 26 2009, 20:02:42 UTC
"Wouldn't even dream of it!" He calls back, in an exaggeratedly innocent sort of way that says he entirely would.

In truth, it is a pretty nice car, even if it just looks like an antique in Mal's eyes. Probably priceless if it was ever fenced, of course. Not that that means anything here in Taxon, and not that he has grand theft auto in mind for this evening.


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