03 [Accidental Visual] The end of the road

Sep 28, 2009 23:20

There's only so long John can stand doing this waiting thing. Hadn't he given Aeryn enough time to come to terms with their situation? He'd pretty much holed himself up on Moya since she'd arrived, working on his wormhole theories to distract himself and give her space. Space she'd already had more than her fair share of, even before she'd ( Read more... )

{ aeryn sun, { john crichton

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[holo] frell_me September 28 2009, 23:50:14 UTC
Aeryn learned, albeit slowly, that the tablets could be tricky. She was not a tech, her skills with technical equipment were not the sharpest. Why should they be? She was a soldier, she used weapons and ships and her fists as her tools. Of course the past few cycles had taught her much in the value of being more well rounded in her skill sets but she still had no affinity for some things.
The tablet often lay there at first, before she realized quite by accident that it could be affixed to her wrist marker. After that it stayed there almost always, easier than toting the full sized thing around and what need did she have of it most of the time? Very little. Her days had been spent mostly field stripping her Prowler after she'd located it. She'd found her ship due only to the annoying and unforgiving tablet which would not desist from bothering her until she claimed her property. Once she'd located the Prowler it went peacefully silent once more, it's mission for the moment apparently completed.
The Peacekeeper had also noticed how on occasion it seemed the tablets made broadcasts that were not intended. Many a private moment became public and received an amused brow lift from her. Though when the voice which came across this time was so familiar as to be unmistakable, Aeryn's attention was riveted.
She'd been exercising, there was little else to do here and staying in peak condition was important to her. The activity also kept her mind focused on something other than her present situation. One it seemed was also plaguing Crichton. She'd almost instantly enlarged the tablet when the transmission started, her work out all but forgotten. Her expression at his words was, tormented. When she spoke she said the very thing he has so often pushed her for back on Moya.
"Crichton, we should talk."


[visual] frell_this_dren October 2 2009, 10:21:27 UTC
He knew someone would have caught that, he didn't expect it to be Aeryn though. She hadn't answered many other people's tablet messages, and that had wrongly led him to believe she hadn't been paying much attention. His attention had already been on the tablet, wanting to turn it off after his near miss in saying something he'd really regret making public knowledge.

"Ya think?" John snorted out a cynical laugh. It wasn't how he should have responded, he knew that before he'd even finished saying it. "I mean, yeah. We do-- we should."


[visual] frell_me October 2 2009, 10:35:32 UTC
She did not particularly care to be involved in the chatter that seemed nonstop on the small com systems. It was worse than Chiana on a pleasure planet some days. So Aeryn let most things pass without reaction, however the near heart stopping appearance of a second Crichton, however erroneous that idea had been, caught her attention. As did his rant that had inadvertently been broadcast...or was it quite so much the accident? It begged a reply, and this talk between them had been put off far too long already.

Still Aeryn winced at the tone when he replied, even with the softer addition to it. "I've located my Prowler, I can join you on Moya or if you prefer to bring your module here..." She gave him the option to do as he wished. "I would rather not have this broadcast across the city." Darkly humorous tone, considering the city wide transmission was what brought this to a head in the first place.


[visual] frell_this_dren October 2 2009, 10:50:26 UTC
"You should come up," his cynical tones already waining, John gave her the smallest of smiles. It was good to just hear her voice. His usual brand of optimism was playing a big part in the way he was replying now, convinced that she was ready to open up to him and trust him. If she wasn't, then he'd be as unprepared as ever for the metaphorical kick to the stomach he'd be getting.

"Getting featured in a gossip column, ain't exactly my bag either," he laughed.


[visual] frell_me October 2 2009, 11:02:22 UTC
They were agreed on that, and Aeryn nodded to the screen, prep to take off was brief and she was in the air in a matter of moments. The silence between them still felt awkward and heavy though, she chose to fill it with something less cold. But small talk was not her forte, being around him for some time at least allowed her to pick up on some of it. "I ran my Prowler through diagnostic and checked it manually, everything seems in order. Even the damage it had taken is still there, does your module appear to have been tampered with?"

It wasn't much, but it was something, some sort of human connection while she made the brief trip from the city level to the partial bulk of Moya's lower tiers. She knew well enough that the docking web would draw her in so she was not paying full attention to the direction, her mind was otherwise occupied.


[visual] frell_this_dren October 10 2009, 10:10:47 UTC
"Seems fine, just as I left it." He wasn't sure if talking business wasa comfort or not, if his Module had been stripped apart and he'd had to spend his entire time here reassembling it, it probably would have been a good thing. Something to distract himself from the brick wall he'd hit with his wormhole equations, and less consciously - Aeryn. The laka had been helping with that after all.

"Can't say the same for Moya." John was worried about Moya, he couldn't deny it. She was dissected for god's sake and still apparently alive, with no way of communicatinng with her - at least a two way conversation was out of the question. Aeryn was the only person here that shared his view of Moya, the only one that would understand. How many times had he considered contacting her, just for this very reason. The concern showed in his voice.


[location Moya Docking Bay] frell_me October 11 2009, 22:44:21 UTC
"Yes, that concerns me as well. I don't understand how Moya can live as only part of herself.The lower tiers have the amnexus flow, but still.." She was not a tech nor a biotech engineer. She honestly had nothing more than the remnants of her pilot DNA to guide her when it came to Leviathans. Though that was honestly more than most Peacekeepers could claim or most Sebaceans for that matter. Crichton was neither of course and yet somehow always managed to see things for an entirely new and completely illogical angle.

The Prowler glided neatly into the docking bay, the web still working of it's own accord to bring the ship in smoothly. The site was eerie this partial Moya hanging in the sky, even though the ship itself was alive there was a feeling of something missing. The consciousness that was the living ship and of course Pilot. But John was here, and they needed to talk it was time to face things.

Aeryn waited a microt after landing, gathering herself before she slid the cockpit open and climbed out of the sleek fighter. Looking much the same as the first day she arrived, black leathers with the tank top under, but her hair, long and dark hung free, softening her edges somewhat. Much like the expression on her face, she did not want to fight. "You look well, John" Give her credit, she's trying.


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