"'Carry this heavy-ass box, Jayne, go walk a gorram mile an' fetch us our supplies we ain't got sense enough to be rememberin' t' pack, Jayne, don't be shootin' or fightin' or havin' no damn fun first chance we got to put our feet on somethin' ain't movin', Jayne..."
Sun at his back and the dark of Serenity's cargo bay in front of him mean Jayne
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"Pulling a gun on an empty room. Bright boy." Seriously, the amount of sarcasm in there should be illegal.
Yeah that's a lie.
"As if you truly expect anyone to believe that." Honestly, man. You basically have Idiot Felon tattooed on your forehead.
"Well I ain't done anythin' lately." He sounds a little like a schoolboy accused of cheating the one time he actually wasn't.
"Yes, you simply reek of integrity." Another rolling of eyes.
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