Great to be back!! :D

Jun 12, 2010 20:49

Title: Spoonman (Prologue)
Author(s): Jole Osaka-Sun (taxmacca239)
Pairing: John/Paul, George/Ringo, Mick/KeithR., KeithM./PeteT., KeithR./OFC
Rating: PG-13 for now.
Warnings: Swearing, Mick Jagger, John Lennon, and Keith Moon in one area, light drug use (later on though).
Timeframe: 1972, Black Rock Desert, Nevada.
Summary: An emergency plane landing strands three bands in the middle of one big celebration.
Author Notes: Unbetad. So all mistakes and confusion are mine. D: Also, I know Burning Man started in the mid-80s. Don't tell me, cuz I do know. I have been there. So just use your imagination if you haven't.

Disclaimer: Yes, The Beatles, The Who, and The Rolling Stones totally belong to me, a 14-year-old Japanese girl that plays a Plexiglass guitar and paints abstracts paintings. (they don't belong to me, except Nirvana *not the Band :/*, so don't sue D:)

"Paul, shut up..."
"Paulie, I've got a lollie for you!"
"Somebody shut him up."
There's a tension in the entire cab of the plane, a hyperventilating bassist with no taste for a strawberry lollie, and 8 aggravated band members on the each side, hot and grumpy.
Keith Moon wants to party, Keith Richards wants to sleep (alone, but preferabley with somebody), Mick Jagger wants to move, John Lennon wants to slap a bitch, Paul McCartney wants to get out of the desert, George Harrison wants to play, Ringo Starr wants to party with Moon, and Pete Townshend wants to blow the entire motherfucking operation up.
It seems so other-wordly, the LSD colors, the awkward movements, the freedom. It was all so different. Richards and Jagger went to find shelter, and were soon invited in to an opened, shaded area in front of a rounded 'home'/'trailer' of sorts. The other 6 followed close behind.
"Boys want anything to drink?" A pretty, multi-coloured haired girl asked, a distinctive Leeds accentstinging the air.
"Ehm," Mick stepped up. "First off, where are we?"
The girl snorted, disbelieving.
"You're in Black Rock Desert, Nevada."
"Yes, we know," Richards smirked. "But where."
"You, my friends," She walked up and slung her skinny arm over Richards' shoulder, bringing him out into the sun. "Are at the Burning Man festival."
"You cannibals!" Paul shouted suddenly. John laughed.
"We don't burn men. We burn that." She walks out further, into the middle of the dusty passageway. Richards covers his eyes with his hand, staring out into the distance, at a gigantic wooden effigy of a man. He raises his eyebrows.
George looks around, fiddling with his entry bracelet, and moves to look with them.
"We burn it on Saturday evening. After that,, well, you'll have to wait and see." She winks and moves back into the shade.
"What's your name?" Paul asks quietly. She smirks a little.
"You can call me Nirvana."
"Is that your real name?"

Sooo... What do you think? Should I continue? :D comments are love <3

george/ringo, john/paul, via ljapp

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