Overcoming Procrastination Notes - Boston Skillshare, 4/18/09

Jan 02, 2011 11:54

by Hillary Retting
Download ebook from lifelongactivist.com

"Procrastination is the thief of time." -Dickens

Like a thief, it's devious. Fights dirty. Doesn't mean you're weak. "Where did the time go?"

The Art of War by S. Pressfield defines procrastination as "internal . . . universal."

Retting defines procrastination as getting bumped off your planned path and spiraling into being totally off.

Demotivation Categories
-Problems with project. (I don't like this. Waste of time. Etc.)
-Problems with job. (I'm unsupported. No resources. Shitty coworkers.)
-Lack of information/resources/preparation
-Physical (I'm sick/hyper/lethargic/whatever)
-Emotional problems
-Geopolitical problems

These are all great reasons not to work! Procrastination is a reasonable response - but not an optimal response.

Laziness, lack of discipline, immaturity - not the problems! Tackling willpower etc. will not solve procrastination because these are not the problem.

Why Procrastination?
1. Never were taught habits of productive work.
2. Fear magnifies panic/overwhelmed-ness. Lose ability to solve problems and cope.

1. Habits
-Be where you need to be, exactly on time.
-Do exactly what was planned.
-Build endurance.

2. Fear
Fear separates those who can stay productive from us, who get thrown off course.

Strategies of Procrastination
-Dissociation - lose track of time
-Mimic productive work! Much harder to overcome if you're actually working . . . doing something. 'Good works' can also fall into this category. How much time to each priority must be decided.

If you're not doing what you said you would at the time you said you'd do it, you're probably procrastinating.

:) -----------------------*----------------------> :)

[This is a chart I can't really reproduce with punctuation. But that little star represents a boulder. Those who can make their path skirt the boulder and then get back on track are productive. Those who are knocked down by the boulder into a negative spiral end up procrastinating.

Magnify that boulder.]

What is the boulder that derails you from your plan? What's in there?

Negativity: thermostat set to negative. Neutral events/occurrences are translated into negatives. You undervalue your skills, strengths AND those of others. Weakens recognition of strengths and skills. It's important to own these, not denigrate them or be too self-effacing. Negativity helps cause fear.

Lack of Resiliency: If you're trying to lead a life of intentionality/compassion/etc. you must develop a thicker skin. Make compromises. Withstand campaign failure, non-ideal workspace, rejection, etc. Can't let it stop you forever.

Perfectionism: "The voice of the oppressor." -Anne Lamont. The inner bully. Success is defined very narrowly and unrealistically. Failure is defined very broadly. Perfectionists punish themselves very broadly when they fail. "I'm a TOTAL failure." Rigid thinking. Over-identify themselves with the work. "This did not go well. I must suck."

So . . . it makes sense to procrastinate. Odds are, you WILL fail by this definition.

Fear of failure: Failure happens. Better to be in the game and failing than nowhere near the game. You must have the courage to fail. (How to get this courage? Stop negative thought patterns.)

Flaws: virtues taken too far, the shadow side of virtues. (Want quality work taken too far = perfectionist. Objectivity taken too far = negativity.)

Book rec: How To Talk So Kids Listen and Listen So Kids Talk.

Causes of Perfectionism: parents, teachers, media, self, trauma from society

You must be clear on what is your contribution to the problem and what is outside of yourself. [my addition: what is in your circle of influence?]

THIS is the block that knocks you off your path. Fear magnifies pebble into boulder. When we are in fear, we regress psychologically.

Procrastination - a response to bullying. If you can't oppose - shut down. Trying to protect you from that which you fear. Escapist. An immature coping strategy. Bully is inside your head so you keep procrastinating. Even if you do the job, the bully won't be satisfied, so why try?

"Success must always be a consequence, never a goal." -Flaubert

After "screw you" comes learned helplessness.

FALSE Solutions to Procrastination
-More bullying. (Actually feeds problem.)
-Dithering (worrying, wishing it'd go away, etc.)

Solutions to Procrastination

-Take apart thought patterns. Catch yourself in the act and replace thought with compassionate objectivity. No point in shame, regret, remorse - even if it is your mistake. (IF it's your mistake: analyze, make amends, plan how you'll do better next time.) Hang around people who can help you do this. Don't hang around people who ridicule you, bring you down, etc. Live up to higher expectations. Reprogram.

-Build habits of productivity. Positive reinforcement of good habits, building endurance

-Ask yourself: "I'm not doing my work. Why not?" Journal, etc. Figure it out. Once you're past the panic and fear, actual problem is usually easy to solve. Problem solving (flexible) - often happens in community.


This was the first info on procrastination I had ever heard that rang true for me. It also made me realize why I was so annoyed with the books I'd read previously on overcoming procrastination: they either tried to be funny - making light of a serious problem in my life - or they were very methodical, as if my issue was that I was just scatter-brained and couldn't get my shit together.
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