Nov 28, 2006 21:13
Взялась перечитывать по-английски с детства любимое "Путешествие с Чарли в поисках Америки" Стейнбека. Оказывается, в русском переводе была смешная купюра.
Перевод Н. Волжиной (в шеститомнике С. он же, если мне память не изменяет)
Вы слушали сегодня радио?
- Последние известия - в пять часов.
- Ну что там в ООН? Я забыл включить.
Он потягивал яблочную настойку, проникновенно смакуя каждый глоток.
- Хорошая штука.
В оригинале:
Khrushev was at the United Nations, one of the few reasons I would have liked to be in New York. I asked, "Have you listened to the radio today?"
"Five-o'clock report."
"What happened at the U.N.? I forgot to listen."
"You wouldn't believe it," he said. "Mr. K . took off his shoe and pounded the table."
"What for?"
"Didn't like what was being said."
"Seems a strange way to protest."
"Well, it got attention. That's about all the news talked about."
"They should give him a gavel so he could keep his shoes on."
"That's a good idea. Maybe it could be in a shape of a shoe so he wouldn't be embarrassed." He sipped the applejack with a deep appreciation. "That's pretty nice," he said.