Mar 16, 2012 20:58
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
Wesley, as the Dread Pirate Roberts/Man in Black, says this to Buttercup in a tense and magical moment. He is still feeling pain, rejection, betrayal, and, possibly even more painful: love. Buttercup is angry, scared at her abduction and imminent murder, but also privately relieved and righteously indignant at this moment in the story.
And what happens next is true love, adventure, death, rebirth, and funny jokes.
When I think about this, because I do, a lot, I think William Golding is a genius of a writer. Life IS pain. You can say that, you can know it, and you can go on living, because there's also wonderful adventure out there. You can be bit by giant rodents, bleeding and tortured, actually dead!, left for a second time by the love of your life, and yet...magic, good friends, vengeance, and happiness will be yours. All this...within a life of pain.
[currently, I have a bag of defrosting pineapple chunks rubber-banded to a painfully torn calf muscle...while the reticent, shy, nervous cat I live with lovingly rubs her toothless face against my fingers, making it difficult to type]