Jan 29, 2006 20:36
fuck dominos
fuck larry
fuck my manager
fuck i know wht im doing dont yell at me and tell me im wrong
fuck it when someone else answers the phone, and its suposedly 'MY FUCKING JOB' FUCK PHONES he was closer. he answered, i like practically FUCKING sprinted to get the damn thing, he answered, and I FUCKING got yelled at. Fuck that.
i want to throw your goddamned ass in the fucking oven and kill you.
you fucking play favorties and ive fucking been there longer then almost the WHOLE fucking CREW.
just because tori reFUCKINfuses to answer phones, dont fucking put her on ovens, shes NOT EVEN FUCKING old enough to FUCKING do that, fucking hire someone to fucking work on sundays and ONLY fucking answer phones.
fuck that, if i didnt fucking love that job so much, i would fucking yell at you and fucking quit.
i hate your Bull SHIT, i know how to do everything in that goddamned store.
fuck you.
im fucking the only one folding damn pizza boxes, and i stop for one damned second to get a fucking drink of water, and ASS hole has to be like, KEEP FOLDING BOXES. fuck that, i was thirsty and no one fuckin else is damn folding them.
the fucking pizzas were practically FALLING out of the ovens, i grabbed a couple and the fucking phone rang, i went for it and brady was there, and i was like 'phone or oven?' he was like i got the phone, ok, ONE dammned pizza. Larry fucking looked up and was like 'LET THE DRIVERS TO OVENS GET ON PHONES!' reply: I FUCKING ASKED HIM PHONE OR OVEN HE SAID PHONE, I DIDNT WANT THE DAMN PIZZA TO FALL.. he got pissed. Fuck that. i hate you.
matt's a better manager anyways.
fuck you
jessuuss i need to punch something.