Title: The Women
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Ritchie films), Sherlock (BBC)
Rating: Currently G, could be R in later parts
Warnings: Some racism (from a 19th C. character)
Notes: The unquenchable
so_shhy promised to write me notes from a multi-Sherlock crossover orgy if I set up the scene. I am easily led by temptation.
Summary: Irene and Mary are each more
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Oh the baby birds! And Freya's family was horrified that she risked her own life to save this wothless lower-class boy who would only end up as a mindless mobile power tool anyhow. What was his life worth compared to their little girl, who would grow up into a worthwhile member of society, as intelligent and beautiful as money could make her?
Clothes and robots... awesome combination.
OH GOD, that sex scene. Oh man, it's totally when she does get the cyber-cock implant because that's one of the most expensive (high status) ones. Her parents force her to get it. And once when he was angry about something he'd yelled that all upper-class augmentations were freakish, and the cyber-cock the most freakish of all, so now she has one she's humiliated. And he feels incredibly guilty and tries to convince her that there's nothing wrong with it, and asks to see it so he can tell her it isn't ugly... and OH MY GOD THIS IS SO WRONG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?
Someone will read this over our shoulder in a cafe and Italy will kick us out.
Yay, Stargate fan high five! Rodney is wonderful in Atlantis in that he gets things wrong a whole lot through his arrogance, which never really gets smoothed out over the years in the way that most characters do, but he has these moments where he really is the only one who can save the day and he's working really hard and will you all please SHUT THE FUCK UP, IT'LL BE READY WHEN IT'S READY. Being smart is badass and I love him. I haven't seen the cube but I have heard it described by trembling friends with horror in their eyes, so I assume it makes an impression. Someone gets sliced into bits and lots of people die in other inventive ways, that was the take-home message. But I did see the actor in A Dog's Breakfast, which was bizarre and hilarious and generally just the right side of cringeingly embarrassing. I recommend it!
Heheh, I will dig out the 90s boyband AU for you, I think I subscribed to it on AO3 when the last chapter came out so I should get an email when it's updated.
OMG YES. Holy shit, you're a genius. That is the saddest thing I've ever heard, because it's got self-hatred of one's sexuality wrapped up in a body image issue and soaked in the need for love and respect from one's friends. These poor babies, I really hope they're tough characters because otherwise they are not going to make it to the end of the book.
Rodney sounds amazing, I wish I could go on the TARDIS for a year and come back on the same day just so I could spend the time watching all the TV shows. The Doctor would find me in my TV nest and he'd just be like "Who are you and how long have you been squatting in my time machine???" and I'd be like "plz don't make me have adventures with you, I'm only up to season two of The Wire".
Hmm... do these kids end up together in this story, I wonder? Or does the fucked-up kid sex turn into happy buddy sex a la Clint and Nat, because they totally accept each other's augmentations and can enjoy each other's bodies with no angst?
It's so true. Apparrently Teen Wolf is the big up-and-coming slashy fandom, but I kind of get the feeling life is too short. Says the girl watching superhero cartoons.
That reminds me, I need to watch... oh my God, I was going to say "Once Upon a Time" but I noticed I have 6 first seasons downloaded to my computer that I haven't watched yet. Maybe I'll try and get through Xena, The Thick of It, Jekyll, Parks and Rec, BBC Planet Earth and US Being Human before I start something new...
But with more cybercock. Everything's better with cybercock. IT STILL HAS LITERARY VALUE.
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