Aug 14, 2007 13:12
I'll start with Eli. He's still growing like a champ. The boy is almost 19 months old and already in size 7.5 shoes. Not to mention that he eats nonstop most days. On Saturday he had a banana, a bowl of cereal, applesauce and pretzels and that was just for breakfast. He's reallly starting to talk more now. His favorite words are "no" and "mine" and he finds a way to apply them to everything. He can also count to three but I don't believe he understands what the numbers mean other than he's going to be thrown in the air or bounced around once he gets to three.
Work is going okay. Being the boss means I have to do the ugly stuff too and I don't much like that part. I really prefer to be the shiny, happy boss and not the mean & ugly boss. As much as it sucks, it goes with the territory so I deal. Thankfully things seem to be going in the right direction again so I'm happy about that. We did hire a second manager that starts in September. Haven't found the second office yet but it's probably better for her to work in an office with another manager for the first few months anyway.
Life in general is still pretty busy but good. We're going to Slocum to help clear land this weekend. My mother-in-law has this great piece of land out in the country with a nice pond and creek in the middle of it. Once it's all cleared out, it's going to be beautiful. The following weekend we're going to be in Arlington. I have a meeting there for work on Thursday and since it's been a while since my mom has seen Eli, Patrick is taking off and going with me. And then Labor Day weekend we are hopefully going to PSIII. It will be nice to have a break from Eli while still getting to spend some time with the husband!