Theme: Quickies, Frantic Gropes, Desperate Times

Sep 01, 2014 21:53

Welcome! This month's theme is Quickies, Frantic Gropes, Desperate Times. We hope you can join us for a roll in the hay :D

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theme: quickies/frantic gropes/desperate, round 8: sept 14, !fills

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jelazakazone September 2 2014, 17:38:02 UTC
Title: Desperation
Medium: fic
Rating: PG
Warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH (not graphic). NOT HAPPY. 175ish words
Notes: The feels are attacking me. I am sorry to inflict them on you too. READ AT YOUR OWN PERIL. *goes away to sob in the corner*

Merlin refuses to believe this is the end. He hasn’t come all this way, protected Arthur all these years to have him fucking die at the shores of Avalon. Kilgharrah has said it’s his destiny, but Merlin is the most powerful sorcerer known to mankind.

With a mighty roar, Merlin orders the dying dragon to release one last spell that will heal Arthur.

“No, young warlock, you do not want me to do this.”

Merlin just gives him a pointed look.

“The price is too high,” Kilgharrah sighs.

“No price is too high. Give. Me. A. Spell.”

The spell hits Merlin with a blast and he staggers from the impact. He’s not sure he has the strength to wield it, but he has the will.

“Thank you,” Merlin rasps to Kilgharrah’s back.

He bows over Arthur, whispering the spell, putting his whole self into it and waits.

One heartbeat. Two heartbeats. Three. Four. Five.

Arthur stirs. Merlin’s heart leaps.

And suddenly Merlin understands what Kilgharrah meant as his strength ebbs away and his eyes close.


jelazakazone September 2 2014, 17:46:54 UTC
*SNIFF* Thanks for the warnings so that I could have my tissue box ready. Nice bit of writing nonetheless.


jelazakazone September 2 2014, 17:49:36 UTC
Thanks for reading and sniffing along with me. *wraps quilt around both of us*


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jelazakazone September 2 2014, 21:58:33 UTC
I told you I was having major feels. Ugh. You should see the other idea I have. I don't think I'm up to fleshing it out. I HATE MYSELF.

Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting and <3 <3 <3


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jelazakazone September 2 2014, 22:06:48 UTC
Maybe I'll post the other one on my journal, so as not to inflict it on too many people. Too bad I can't offer everyone a blanket fort to huddle under with me!

Thanks for the support bb. <3


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jelazakazone September 2 2014, 22:27:48 UTC
:( *cries on your shoulder* Ugh, I'm having such a rough time with them right now. I can't imagine any happy endings and it's tearing me up. WHY BBC, WHY?

I have another idea brewing along these lines, but also different. Wouldn't fit here though, I don't think.

Thanks for reading. *hands you tissues*


archaeologist_d September 3 2014, 02:53:32 UTC
Makes sense to me. A life for a life. Well done.


jelazakazone September 3 2014, 02:55:21 UTC
<3 Thanks! I'm glad it wasn't too awful.


alba17 September 3 2014, 10:59:43 UTC
This seems like exactly what would happen, damn you Kilgarrah. Nice job.


jelazakazone September 3 2014, 23:14:13 UTC
Damn him, indeed, except he was reluctant to give Merlin the spell.


(Also, apparently my first reply got eaten by LJ. Grrr.)


alby_mangroves September 3 2014, 11:00:47 UTC



jelazakazone September 3 2014, 23:13:23 UTC
Agh. I thought I replied to this. Damn it. LJ ate my answer. Let's try this again.

<3 <3 *hands you tissues and opens blanket fort* Thanks for reading bb. <3


violetf September 3 2014, 22:53:10 UTC
So I came here today thinking this would be a good thing to read before bedtime, but I was so so wrong! This is not a good thing to read, especially before going to bed, because now my brain is fully active thinking how much I would want this to be canon. Like seriously, this pushes my every button and somehow you managed to find an ending that would be even more painful then what BBC gave us. Why you ask? Here is why: it's because of who Merlin is and what Merlin have faced. Because how tough he is and he withstood his loved ones dying left, right, and in the centre. Because even if Arthur's death was a heavy blow to him, he endured, because he knows that one day Arthur will be back. But imagine now what Arthur would feel? The only person he considers his true friend, who he now knows what he did for him, for his kingdom, that person is now dead at his side and he does not know why. I imagine how he would think at first that Merlin is joking, he would call him stupid, but then he would noticed how the other one does not response and he will grow worried. I think about the pain he would feel when the great dragon would finally tell him about Merlin's sacrifice. Merlin is not the Once and Future king, he is not foretold to came back, and Arthur is not as strong as Merlin. And the knowledge that he gave his life so Arthur may live would haunt him for ever, just like knowing his birth killed his mother did, only more, because even given how much he loved his mother, he didn't know her, and Merlin- So yeah, I enjoyed this fic maybe a tad too much, but hon, I want to read more of your things, I need it like air. And if you ever consider going back to writing angst, I'm your number one fan.


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