(no subject)

Jun 10, 2004 00:01

Well, I have read the post of hate and loathing, and I just boggle. The sheer amount of mental energy people spend on hating on people they could just defriend. If you don't like someone's picture posts or X days to PoA or their icons or think their posts are depressing, LJ has fine tools for you! And then there was the person that explained that they still wanted to complain about people they had defriended. I have this image of people repeatedly stabbing themselves in the head and declaiming on how awful the knife is for giving them pain.

One of the reasons I ended up so firmly in popslash after my dalliance in Lotrips was that it was LJ centered. To keep up in Lotrips, you had to follow certain lists, where those who partook of The Crazy posted extensively. On LJ you could construct a peaceful universe where kerfluffles mostly impacted you as faint wavelets from distant shores. Whenever a lj brought more Crazy than it did fun, a couple of button clicks took care of the problem. I highly recommend the technique; it is at once more civilized and more effective than the head-stabbing technique. Unless you are a masochist, in which case you should be saying nice things about the knife that brings the happy pain. Or whatever.

And really, doing it anonymously? Wimps! Get some spine, bitches, and shout your Crazy out in public. The bathroom stall rant is *so* grade school.
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