
Jun 24, 2014 10:53

For once I used up everything in the CSA box with no wastage, and even the extra stuff I ordered (fresh corn!) and a cantaloupe left over from last week. I know that doesn't sound like much of a victory for those of you that get all 17 of your daily servings of fruit and veg without effort, but I had work or social dinners for three nights, my company catered lunch both days I was in the office, and I had leftovers to knock off as well. Plus, well, I have never liked vegetables.  I got the CSA box in an attempt to get myself to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and it's been a struggle sometimes to actually do it instead of wasting food.

Strawberries and cantaloupe with breakfast, cherries, grapes, and red plums as mid-afternoon snacks, endive and spinach became salad, corn and mushrooms I had with sausage for dinner, and this weekend I made up a kale and sausage pasta dish that was delish and also had leftovers for lunch this week. I came up with a pretty tasty dressing for the endive: lumpfish roe mixed with sour cream and a touch of vinegar, with some green onion thrown in.  The sour cream softens the bitter edge of the endive, and the lumpfish gives it some heft and depth as a meal.

I do have some tomatoes left, but I'm not counting them because a) extras I ordered and b) I put them aside deliberately because they were underripe.  I'll probably have some with my lunch today, as they look like they are finally ripe.
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