May 07, 2010 23:45
So, this is my life.
Last weekend, T-stone had its annual benefit event, the Young Playwrights' Festival, up at Z. It was my first year involved at all, and I was stage managing (and directing one play) (and it was Cathleen's first year involved, and she was in charge of everything else, AND directed two pieces). Oh lord, what a terrifying experience! But somehow, as the man said, it all works out in the end. The show was absolutely wonderful: eight short plays written by local students, brought to life by community actors, directors, and theatre artists of every shape and size. And also, I GOT TO CALL THE SHOW! For realsies! I had people do my bidding! It was so cool (and the phrase "standing by" has forever been replaced with "Word." Thanks, Dustin). Couldn't have been prouder of my cast of "The Wolf Who Gave Up Because of Red Riding Hood" (and all the other casts, I suppose :P) - and the production of "Medieval Mice", directed by Bill, brought down the house. It was the epicest epic to have ever epic'd.
Jernst visited on Wednesday, and it was wacky, nerd-tastic, Shakespeare-gasming fun. We chatted production plans for the I Don't Wanna Grow Up theatre company (co-directing Cymbeline and The Winter's Tale are at the top of the list, plus some full-text stage adaptations of Neil Gaiman-y goodness) and had moments of twinbot telepathy. Also, apparently all mixed drinks at Red Robin are weaksauce. WEAKSAUCE I SAY. But they were at least tasty.
The Pan Show opens next Thursday. Rehearsals have been moving right along, and after the run today, it really did feel like we have a semi-cohesive show. Set changes and transitions are still a little uncertain, and there are an ungodly number of slightly horrific quick changes into and out of the panda suit, but it's coming together, and it's going to work, which is a wonderful feeling.
Light and sound plots are almost entirely finished and entirely in the hands of the lovely Miss Losq. I'm such an awful control freak, and it feels weird to have someone else running light cues that I designed, but she's doing an awesome job adapting. Oh, and half the cast is coming down with/has the sick. YEA TECH WEEK W00T HOLLA &c.
The community of Southside Bethlehem does arts stuff every first Friday, so tonight, we took to the streets in costume. I was the panda. It kicked ass. It was slightly awkward when at first, the most attention we were generating was from small children (and it's really not a small children kind of show), but eventually we came up with the system that if adults stopped to talk to us, we promoted the show, and if kids stopped to talk to us, they got to hug/high-five/get a picture with the panda (and by "we," I mean Jen and Cathleen - I just kind of stood there, walked funny, and waved). I got so many hugs, and I couldn't see my feet, and I think I sweat off five pounds. It was insane and uncomfortable and I loved it.
Twelve hour rental tomorrow, but I'm anticipating that it'll be low maintenance.
Monday morning, Kevin and I drive to West Point for his grandpa's funeral; Christopher was nice enough to let me come late to tech Monday, since the light plot came together so quickly and agreeably.
And Thursday, we open.
And then, as soon as Pan opens, we go back into rehearsals for Tempest.
And that, as they say, is that.