[OOM: Academy (A. Imp.)] Antillar Maximus

Dec 17, 2009 17:17

Tavi has been telling himself for days that he's not worried about the start of his term at the Academy. After all, it's what he's wanted for years ( Read more... )

milliways, oom, first interim, maximus

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furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 02:42:09 UTC
The sound of the door opening is enough to prod the massive figure on the opposite bed into sitting up. It looks around, spots Tavi, and drawls out a friendly sort of "What do you want, runt?"


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 02:53:48 UTC

Bloody crows, one day I swear I will pay him back for this somehow, is all Tavi can think for a moment. ...Maybe when I'm bigger.

"Um. I'm guessing you're my roommate." He holds out a hand, feeling remarkably small--despite the fact that he's bigger and Max is not quite as tall as the last time they met. "I'm Tavi."


furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 02:55:34 UTC
"Tavi..." Max sits up and examines the hand for a moment, then shrugs and reaches out for it. "Just Tavi?"


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 03:05:44 UTC
"Tavi of Ber--," he starts almost automatically before flushing a little, clearly embarrassed. "...Tavi Patronus Gaius."


furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 03:11:35 UTC
"Oho," Max grins, suddenly seeming to pay more attention. "Patronus Gaius, are you?" That earns Tavi an appraising look.


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 03:15:03 UTC
"Yes," he says lifting his chin. It's not arrogant as much as telling himself not to be embarrassed about it. "And your name is...?"


furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 03:17:57 UTC
"Antillar Maximus," Max answers, but then he lifts one hand and waves it dismissively. "But if we're sharing a room you might as well get used to calling me Max."


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 03:21:44 UTC
Tavi grins at him. "Nice to meet you, Max," he says warmly. "What's it like there? I've only ever lived at Bernardholt in Calderon before I came here."


furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 03:23:30 UTC
"Cold," Max shakes his head in disgust. "Way too cold." But then he lifts an eyebrow and grins. "Calderon, you say...?"


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 03:30:42 UTC
"Yes, Calderon," he replies, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "Why?"


furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 03:32:24 UTC
"Hear you've got a nice climate out that way. And I've met a few women from Riva..." Somehow Max is able to say that in a tone that suggested that those women were beautiful and imaginative.


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 03:37:29 UTC

"Nice climate?" Tavi snorts. "You've never seen Thana Lilvia irritated." Max's second comment just makes him blush a little. "...Er, I've... never actually been there," he mutters.

(In no way does he suddenly remember that Marat girl who was so totally unabashed about not wearing a tunic. Really.)


furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 03:39:18 UTC
"Well, that's okay, Calderon," Max smirks. "Here in the City there are plenty of places to meet beautiful women. In fact," he pushes himself up out of bed, "I was thinking about going out. You should join me."


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 03:42:35 UTC

"Uhm. I was going to do some reading," Tavi says, blushing even brighter. "And I have to write some letters home. Aunt Isana will be worried sick about me if I don't write regularly for a while."


furiousmaximus December 18 2009, 03:43:35 UTC
"Eh," Max waves those concerns away. "You can do that later. You need to get properly introduced to the city, after all!"


tavar_of_alera December 18 2009, 03:46:37 UTC
"I've actually seen a lot of it," Tavi volunteers. "I had some free time between duties, with classes not starting yet, so I took a look around. Seemed better than getting lost later."

If he's willfully ignoring what Max means, that's just because he's Tavi.


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