Uploaded some (very short) videos my dad took of Running Fist's various martial arts demos at the Chinese New Year festival this January. Thought some people might be interested.
Seven videos, 100-ish megs. I personally recommend the Jian and Drunken Mantis demo. Both are performed by friends/teachers of mine and they both channel a lot of soul into their performances. I'll be looking around to see if anyone has full versions of their demos, in which case I'll post those here too.
Other than that not much to talk about. I haven't been around much because my metalworking job is finally becoming lucrative and I've been focusing a lot on that, as well as starting to train every day for long periods of time. Bought myself a 40lb vest and a couple of 10lb leg/arm weights which have been working wonders for strength and cutting down excess flab. I stopped training for about a week after the Taijijian seminar and started to gain some poundage back- let me tell you, I never want to be where I was again. I don't know how the hell I even functioned. So right now my life is basically all physical activity, all day, erry day (well okay there's some vidya gaeming too but honestly it's not as fun as going outside and swinging a stick around or doing animal forms or something that makes my neighbors go what.) Doesn't leave much time for hanging out or msn shenanigans but I am going to try and fix that I promise.
There is one thing that's at the forefront of my mind right now, and that's the earthquake/tsunami that just hit Japan. It's not the natural disasters I'm worried about, though- six different nuclear reactors almost suffered a meltdown because of it and, from what I hear, one is still critical.
EDIT: copypasting a friend's journal on how you can help:
http://funkicarus.livejournal.com/726361.html ^^^ RIGHT NOW ^^^
I am going to try very hard not to get on a soapbox here but
this is kind of a problem
for everyone
and I know some people who read this don't really follow the news all that much but if you were going to pay attention to just one thing this is kind of it.
And Vermont tried to renew the local nuclear plant past its shutdown date for the second time recently. L O L what the fuck is wrong with people
oh and I guess have some ponies for the sake of ending on a magical note: