Girl stuff

Jul 28, 2010 11:35

I am a nurse and am well aware of the intricacies of the hormonal balance created in the female endocrine system as it relates to the ovaries and the uterus. This rant is purely visceral and does not truly take into account my Celiac nor my unusual progesterone balance. This is as they say, what it is.

Here's my rant. I have put up with you, uterus, since I was 13. I was told at the time that the cramps would ease with age and that they served a purpose. But I've had countless miscarriages so it never served the purpose it was purported to serve and it gives me as much pain during my periods as it ever did. I consider my high progesterone a small blessing for the very small amount of sloughing it does each month, or rather, these days, whenever the fuck it wants to but it is that same progesterone that puts me through the pain, the nausea, etc. I used to pretend to a respect for this organ of female mystery but honestly, I never much cared for it and in fact, feared it. It was a source of great pain and not a little emotional pain too. I did actually want to bear a child. I forgive the universe for that slight because I have a magnificent child, one not of my loins, for my loins have been barren, but a child of mine, nonetheless. I forgive the universe but I have yet to forgive my uterus. Sputter to your end and be done with me already. I am done with you. I have come to some peace with you but I don't like you.
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