Storm update

Aug 31, 2008 20:53

This is likely to be my last update for a little while - if not longer.

"The Big G" is due to start affecting (or is that effecting?) our area by about noon, if I'm reading the charts right. I'm unplugging my computer tonight, and plan on being *very* cautious about putting her back on. That's how we lost Ibliss's computer during Rita - turned off, but the power surged right through the surge protector. Also burned out our microwave, but that's a lot easier to turn off and on, as well as plug and unplug.

Ashni did agree to be one of our contacts (thanks!), so please call her or one of our other information-keepers. We will try to call at least once a day, until power is on/back on/safe/what-have-you. If this is going to be anything like Ka'Rita, the phone lines are going to be b-u-s-y. (When they work at all!)

As for keeping our - I mean my, Ibliss is fine or fakes it really well - spirits up, I'm doing my best. VH-1 Classics has been having an "80 hours of 80s" marathon, which has been suprisingly helpful. It's hard to ansgt to bouncing hair bands. (And "It's the End of the World as We Know It" came on just as dinner was ready!)

Take care, everyone, and we'll do our best to do the same.
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