considering blogathon

Jul 12, 2007 13:53

I just heard about Blogathon and am considering trying it. (Yes, I am behind the times. My next trick will be to use the camera on my cell phone!) Obligatory link below:

Blogathon 2007

Staying up for 24 hours shouldn't be a problem; I've been to cons before. Having content for every half-hour might be trickier.

The other part to the debate is which blog should I use. I've always said I wanted a work-related one (all the cool people in my profession are doing it!) and it would be much easier to get a charity to go along with it if I could use my real name (which won't happen under this one). On the other hand, good content is harder with said name attached (ie, no cheating and filling posts with smut, which isn't cheating, now is it?).

Then again, the main site doesn't tell you how to get/find a charity (a few FAQ points say there is a list, but I can't find one. Many good ones are taken, but I should be able to find someone willing to take a chance on me. I hope.

So is anyone else doing this? Tried it before and hated it? Tried it before and loved it? Think I'm an utter loony?
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