As far North as Texas and now as far South and Southern South America, UFO sightings have been building over the last year. Here is a sample of what is being witnessed.
UFO in Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Original & Perfect Version - on January 13, 2008
From Xiao Wei Lian
The 2008 UFO Wave in Argentina
By Luis Burgos
Fundacion Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO)
(Translated by S. Corrales, Inexplicata)
Courtesy of Inexplicata
Number of Reports to Date: 64
January 1: La Plata, Buenos Aires
Juan Pablo Ruiz Villoldo what will be the first case of the year. At 23:43 hours, he witnesses a perfect triangular formation of three vehicles,heading W-E toward Rio de la Plata. The same formation is seen shortly after from Colon (Entre Rios Province) by members of the COLOVNI group.
January 3: San Marcos Sierra (Cordoba)
Ximena and Mariano submit a photo of a strange ?phantom? UFO to the FAO. It was taken on the banks of the Quilpo River at 07:30 hours with a Fuji Finepix 2.0 mpix, representing the first photographic case of the year. Photo subjected to analysis.
January 3: Calamuchita (Cordoba)
Martha Nuñez reports another UFO over Cordoba at the same time, photographed at 18:00 hours.
January 3: Vicente Lopez (Buenos Aires)
Damian Heras video records a nocturnal light (NL) at 21:59 hrs.
Early January: Victoria (Entre Rios)
The Vision OVNI group reports a considerable activity by unidentified lights, with irregular movements toward midnight. This phenomenon was seen for several consecutive days.
Early January: Chabás (Santa Fe)
A series of mysterious aerial lights were sighted, some of them photographed at night, such as the ones photographed by Dr. Javier Alzayar, reported by the Vision OVNI group.
January 7: San Lorenzo (Santa Fe)
Pablo Lasa reported that his friend Sergio Civetta saw an irregular NL, yellow-white in color, at 21:50 hours.
January 7: Jacinto Arauz (La Pampa)
Three hunters witness a white-colored NL, shifting to red and blinking, according to Guillermo G.S. Tanos (FAO collaborator in Darregueria).
January 7: Darregueira (Buenos Aires)
The same FAO collaborator and his friends see an intense white NL a few minutes before midnight for a few minutes, and displaying an elliptical backward motion.
January 8: Vicente Lopez (Buenos Aires)
Damian Heras and Cristian Soldaon videotaped another irregular NL at 04:45 hours.
January 8: Capital Federal
Ufologist Asdrubal Acosta reports the presence of an NL with irregular movements at 21:49 hours over Western Buenos Aires. A similar phenomenon is detected and recorded by Taller Glaucoart.
January 9: Sierra de los Padres (Buenos Aires)
A series of ?phantom? UFOs are captured at noon by members of Vision OVINE, who express the continuous activity of this phenomena in the area. Photos were analyzed.
January 9: Claromecó (Buenos Aires)
Beatriz Mascioli, a resident of the beach community, reports an episode she witnessed at 23:00 hours. Two luminous object moved diagonally across the sky, some 45 degrees toward the northwest. The lower of the two, with the more intense lights, suddenly shot upward at high speed while the other continued its normal trajectory.
January 10: Santa Rosa (La Pampa)
Quique Mario (CEUFO) reports an unusual aerial phenomenon with a strange behavior, seen from various parts of the city on a stormy night. A photograph of this incident also exists.
January 11: Isidro Casanova (Buenos Aires)
Guillermo Gimenez disseminates a photo of a UFO taken during daylight hours, according to information received from MUFON in the U.S.A.
January 12: Calamuchita (Cordoba)
Martha Nuñez presents a new photo of an alleged ?phantom UFO? taken at 18:30 that afternoon. Photo is being investigated.
January 13: Capilla del Monte (Cordoba)
Webcam Uritorco manages to photograph a UFO over the region at 15:05 hours.
January 13: Villaguay (Entre Rios)
According to, residents of that riverside region reported seeing ?very bright and strange luminous phenomena? at night.
January 14: Capilla del Monte (Cordoba)
Gustavo Fernandez submits eyewitness accounts from local residents who witness the transit of ?an orange sphere?, engaging in maneuvers between 22:00 and 23:05.
January 14: Santa Rosa (La Pampa)
Raul Chaves (CIUFOS) witnesses the flyby of an irregular nocturnal light (NL) at 22:26 hours.
January 14: Rio Cuarto (Cordoba)
The shift operator of the Rio Cuarto Airport reports the transit of a yellowish luminous body at around 22:30 hours from East to West, witnessed by dozens of locals. It unleashes a controversy over whether it was a UFO or the ISS (International Space Station).
January 15: City of Santa Fe
According to, a resident of this city views from his terrace the passing of three lights that formed a ?perfect triangle?, traveling at high speed, until it lost itself from sight at 00:25 hours. The sighting lasted some 10/15 seconds.
January 15: Capilla del Monte (Cordoba)
Once again, Gustavo Fernandez reports UFO sightings about Uritorco at around 16:00 hours and then at 21:30.
January 15: Necochea (Buenos Aires)
Guillermo Gimenez reports the sighting of an irregular NL, white in color, at 23:30 hours.
January 16: Calafate (Santa Cruz)
While traveling with his wife, Hector De Rosa informs FAO that at 14:00 hours, in broad daylight and in the vicinity of El Calafate, they saw a motionless black object, relatively small in size. The sighting lasted several minutes.
January 16: Capital Federal
Taller Glaucoart reports the persecution of the Cosmos Rocket satellite by a luminous unconventional object at 21:21 hours.
January 16: Necochea (Buenos Aires)
Guillermo Gimenez receives a report from another witness regarding an irregular NL, blue in color, at 23:05. ?Flashes? in the sky were subsequently reported.
January 17: La Plata (Buenos Aires)
Nelson Polanco (FAO La Plata) reports a slow, high altitude flyby performed by an incandescent luminous body from SW to NW, crossing the firmament at 19:00 hours.
January 20: Capital Federal
Taller Glaucoart videotapes an NL with irregular movements at 03:27 hours toward the northeast.
January 20: Cipolletti (Rio Negro)
Jorge Luis Figueiras submits a photo of a ?phantom UFO? taken at 10:55 hours over the city. Material is being studied.
January 20: Ensenada (Buenos Aires)
Juan Carlos G. (retired military) informs the FAO of a sighting at 22:10 hours when he detects a light crossing over the face of the moon (in its quarter crescent phase), engages in a few maneuvers before being ?absorbed? by the darkness toward the NE. The ISS did not fly overhead and the three satellites that crossed the heavens on that night on those coordinates do not coincide in their magnitude or schedules.
January 23: Lago Menendez (Chubut)
Mrs. Marta Fourcade submits a photo of a ?phantom UFO? flying over the aforementioned lake at the Los Alerces National Park next to the Torrecillas Glacier at 15:30 hours. Photo analyzed.
January 24: Santa Lucia (San Juan)
A strange ?fireball? fell from the sky and could be located. It weight was under 2 kilograms and was blackish in color. It is under analysis by scientists at the El Leoncito Astronomical Complex. Probable meteorite.
January 24: Villa Ventana (Buenos Aires)
Daniel Valverdi (Vision OVNI) reports a photograph that appeared in the ?Noticias de Tornquist? newspaper. While a fire raged through the area, a journalist took a ?chance? photo of a strange object flying over the area during daylight hours. Photo analyzed.
January 27: Neuquén (capital city)
Channel 7 on Neuquén transmits the recording made by a resident of the Bouquet Roldan district showing a luminous object, taken with a cellphone. Object moves horizontally from left to right at 21:15 hours.
January 27: Villa Gessell (Buenos Aires)
Alejandro Inza reports a sighting of two luminous aerial objects, opaque and orange in color, spinning at a given altitude before joining and vanishing abruptly.
January 29: San Miguel del Monte (Buenos Aires)
Nelson R. Polanco (FAO La Plata), his sister Rosana Rocha and a mutual friend, Nora, had a surprising experience involving luminous objects over Laguna del Monte on the nights of Jan. 29 and 30. Strange shapes seen on the water, luminous flashes and even a small sphere that hurled itself at Rosana were among the events recorded.
January 31: Rio Cuarto (Cordoba)
The COR group reports the appearance of two strange footprints at the DGI campsite. A semi-circle covered by a sort of ash and a ?horseshoe? caused surprise among the witnesses. Case is under investigation.
Month of January: Santa Rosa (La Pampa)
A collaborator of CIUFOS (Mariano) takes landscape photos on various days and times. Some of these images display strange aerial and solid objects not seen by the author of the images. These were taken during daylight hours.
Month of January: Lago Lolog (Neuquen)
According to a submission received by FAO, young Claudio Burgos of San Martin de los Andes witnessed as UFO emerging from under Lago Lolog, located to the north of this city in Patagonia. Case under investigation.
February 1: San Miguel de Tucuman
Juan Valenzuela submits a curious photo to FAO. It was taken at 18:30 in the vicinity of Cerro San Javier, only a few kilometers from the city, while he was photographing various landscapes. One of the images show what has become known as a ?phantom UFO?. This material was also submitted to UFO researcher Carlos Ferguson. Photo analyzed.
February1: Necochea (Buenos Aires)
Guillermo Gimenez reports a new sighting in that beachfront community. A local resident witnesses the transit of a large object from N to S at 22:00 hours. It was white in color, spherical in color, and vanished suddenly after going a certain distance.
February 1: Capital Federal
At the same time as the Necochea case, at 22:00 hours, Taller Glaucoart recorded a high intensity nocturnal light (NL) that remained static for 4 minute over Buenos Aires.
February 2: Santa Rosa (La Pampa)
CIUFOS looks into some strange marks that appeared ?from one day to another? located to the south of the city on a property belonging to Mrs. Margarita C. These marks show a yellow-golden coloring that stand out against the grass in the back yard.
February 2; Parana (Entre Rios)
According to Gustavo Fernandez (AFR), many residents of the San Agustin district phoned the FM Capital station to report a luminous body flying at high altitude with flashes of lights and colors that ranged from light blue to gold and headed northeast at 22:10 hours.
February 3: La Plata (Buenos Aires)
Andres Reynoso and his parents reported a singular observation at 21:10 hours over the La Lona district. Two black objects, rotating on their own axii, traveled from W to E while a third entered the scene. All three continued on that trajectory. As this happened, an airliner performed a strange ?swerve? maneuver or course correction as the artifacts went by.
February 3: Tandil (Buenos Aires)
According to Radio Tandil and other local media, several residents reported the collision of a fireball at 04:00 hours behind Cerro Las Animas as a large forest fire ?coincidentally? took place. Whether it is a UFO, satellite debris or a meteorite, ?it has to be there?. Case under investigation.
February 10: La Banda (Santiago del Estero)
According to ?Noticiero 7? from Santiago del Estero and Diario Panorama. Young Maria de los Angeles Gomez photographed an unidentified object with her cellphone during the afternoon, after taking a picture of a rainbow forming over La Banda. Photo analyzed. It is a typical case of phantom UFO?.
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