Podcast 43 - Gnosticism Email this •
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Digg This! March 1st, 2008 by rochester92
Our friend
Bishop T Allen Greenfield returns to the show to talk about Gnostic history and philosophy.
Dr. Greenfield is particularly well-qualified to discuss this subject considering his extensive experience in Gnostic churches serving as bishop. Our conversation covers the definition of Gnosis and Gnostic, the history of ancient sects, the philosophy through the ages, modern permutations of the Gnostic doctrine, and Dr. Greenfield’s own personal lineage.
Notable points include differing perspectives on the concept of the Demiurgus and the resultant differences in the views on body and spirit, the secret societies and esoteric orders that have carried the Wisdom, and Apostolic succession.
“These are mysteries, O Israel,
Difficult to understand.
With much searching shalt thou still fail
To grasp them,
Unless thy search be rightly prosecuted.
Yet the Way to Understanding is ever open
To him who will follow it steadfastly.
It is the Way of the Heart,
And thou shalt be guided therein
By thine own inner Hearing.”
Paul Foster Case from “The Meditation on Vav” in “The Book of Tokens”
relevant links:
Smashing Illusions - Dr. T Allen Greenfield’s Livejournal web site
The Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon “
T Allen Greenfield’s Spiritual and Fraternal Heritage”
Ecclesia Gnostica Universalis The North American College of Gnostic Bishops previous appearances - “
Podcast 35 - An Inquiry Into Suppressed Information“, “
Podcast 31 - Scrying the Universe“, and “
Podcast 17 - The Secret Cipher”
Victorian Fire: The Origins of Sexual Magick” by T Allen Greenfield
Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism” by Kurt Rudolph
intro music by
HipGnosis outro music by
The Quiet Earth Orchestra, excerpt of “God” (thanks to
John Ludi)
Technorati Tags:
secret societies,
esoteric orders,
Podcast 43 - Gnosticism [72:50m]:
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