Mar 25, 2005 01:50
Gah, some people just shouldn't get drunk outside of crowded social situations. The following is a rant, and seeing as I don't actually have anyone that I can really vent to, it goes here. You can thank me later.
This guy is one of my best friends... but when he drinks...
1st: He gets very quickly bored with whatever conversation he is in and ends up talking to half the people in the room/bar/club for brief periods. This phase is what we call, "Team Icebreaker." The rest of us meet people this way, usually in the form of, "yeh, sorry about him, can I get you a drink?"
2nd: He gets really, really annoying. Just... ANNOYING. Like a 4 year old who wants attention. We're talking water pistols, trying to fight or wrestle or just drag people around, waggling-finger-in-face (and you try to be nice, you laugh it off and say "hah, stop it, that's really annoying" then he laughs and DOES IT TWICE MORE!)... This usually only happens in smaller circles, gatherings at someone's house etc. We call this "Dude, sit the fuck down and if you point that thing at me again I'll break it." See, that actually works for a lot of situations.
3rd: This is the one that I personally have to deal with alot, being the diligent best friend. "Socrates." The insight's on life brought about by the most recent experimentation with , his feelings about this girl or that girl, his opinions of people, + "You're a great guy. I mean, really, you're a good bloke."
Now, I'm happy to be the listener. I am the open vortex of attention into which spirals many ventings of a few special friends. But the problem with THIS guy, is that he thinks he's the first person to realize anything. I try to tell him about my own similar experiences, in the hopes he can learn from me. I am pretty much ignored. He doesn't care how gutted I was when such-n-such told me this-or-that, because I couldn't POSSIBLY know the way HE'S feeling RIGHT NOW. I say my piece, and he just goes straight back into where he left off.
The real problem, though, is that he's pretty much 3 years behind me. Everything he tells me, I went through like 3 years ago and got past it. It's insane. I went through the whole, "I don't care what anyone thinks about me, I'm doing my own thing." I segued into "I care way too much what everyone else thinks." And for about the last year, I've been at "eh, if it doesn't directly affect me negatively, I'm happy." And life is so much easier this way. Well, he's right near the end of the second phase, and feeling ever so artistic. Good for him. I direct your attention to the story and the comics I started writing about a year and a half ago. It's like a rerun. I've seen it before, and I feel a li'l more detached this time.
He takes everything so damned personally; like this femme in particular, set out directly and purposefully to fuck around with his head. I put it to you that she's just a bitch, trying to be cool and fit in with the wrong crowd. You had a good time at the rave last weekend inhaling soda-bombs (I know, I know, don't get me started)? Awesome, glad you enjoyed it, I'm glad you had fun, because I'm your friend. That didn't have to take 45 minutes including a detailed play-by-play. I don't care. He talks about how boring it is talking to girls, then wonders why he doesn't have a girlfriend. The problem as I see it, is that he only has fun if it's HIM talking AT the girl. If she has any input, it's all over. Move on. Yeh, sorry about him. Can I get you a drink?