SG-1 crossovers

Feb 03, 2008 13:03

What dangerous waters to swim in! SG-1 crossovers abound. It's such an easy universe to cross with other fandoms and there are whole communities out on the net devoted exactly to such activities. In my own fanfic writing I've always avoided xovers like the plague. I've seen them as non-purist, as impossible to do while keeping with canon. I can't justify Daniel and Jack and especially not our scientist Sam stepping into the world of Hogworts for example, and staying true to canon of SG-1.

Canon has always been very important to me, though it's less important to others. As fanfic is first and foremost FAN created fun, I certainly do respect and support any fan's playing with crossovers of our guys into any other fandom. But until very recently I've resisted it in my own writing.

Until recently. Famous last words. And there it is, being buried under a mountain of words as I head off into crossover land. I've toyed with the idea of crossing SG-1 with a fandom I've known and love for a very long time. SG-1 fits. Amazingly. Cause at first glance you'd think NO WAY DUDE! But it does, canonically. Yes, that's a word in my dictionary. I penciled it in if you must know!

But they fit into Anne McCaffrey's Pern. The early books. Very much, and if you'v read the later ones, you have a better idea that, yeah, they'd fit.

So I'm fast completing the xover, it'll be about 100,000 words and will be Jack/Daniel established relationship. Set on Pern, I keep finding ways that they fit in that world, fit well and comfortably. Happy me. I just wonder, how the hell readers are gonna react when this gets out there in the world of fanfic? A freakin Pern/SG-1 crossover? NO WAY!

Yes. Way.
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