So, that was a birthday!

Jun 15, 2012 01:59

Had a rather lovely day - I have new hair, we had a nice pub dinner, my Folks surprised me with a couple of framed pictures of my cat (I totally didn't cry but I did get a lump in my throat), my sister enacted hilarious present fail, a good friend gifted me a game on Steam so I had something on my birthday, oxoniensis sent me a lovely e-card and duckyone got me an awesome LJ cupcake. Oh! And kaiserkuchen has sent me post!

Lots of birthday wishes from folk on Twitter all day and the traditional Talesian cakewar was won by a well chosen cake of Slash (the guitarist) to represent slash (the fiction).

It's something I needed, I think, because work and life has all gotten hugely complex and triggery* of late. So thanks for all the wellwishes and kind thoughts, y'all mean a lot to me.


*One of the things I've learnt through the beginning of my CBT is that the way I deal with issues at work = OCD. At the, shall we say, gentler end of the spectrum but it's still enough to be troubling and quite noticeable. Another positive reason for the redundancy I think.

jen: at 28

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