Dear Bringer of Yuletide Awesomeness

Nov 19, 2010 01:35

First: hello to you, you lovely person, and thanks for participating in this giant small fandom free-for-all.

Second: I am obviously going to be happy with anything you write me because three of these fandoms are tiny (and two may not even exist yet, I'm not really sure) and one of them spins out of an epic fandom in which one of the characters was disliked when she entered the medium.

So, yes, anything will be wonderful. The only caveats I have relate to squicks: non-con, dub-con, BDSM, chan, -isms (beyond dealing with them as they present in the text), character bashing.

Things that I like: humour, awesome friendships, realistic relationships and domesticity, people being extraordinary or very ordinary, people being people, action and romance in combination, families by birth or by making, unconventional romances. Sexytimes or no sexytimes, all genders interacting with each other, poly-fic etc etc I am totally down with.

And now some specificity, Arthur:

Chongquing Senlin | Chungking Express Cop 223/Faye

I said: I'd love any sort of fic that follows these two after Faye comes back at the end of the film. Where does the new boarding pass go? Do they find a way to be together?

Capture the odd whimsy of their section of the film and I will love you forever. I'm happy with any rating at all.

As anyone who was around this place back in December last year knows - I love Tony Leung Chiu-Wai (especially his ~faaaaaaace) and after going on something of a bender through his films this came up as one of my favourites. I'm not particularly fond, therefore, of the first part of the film - which is so tonally different that it's hard to cope with.

I loved the understated oddness of the story, the whimsy about Faye as she sets about repairing the cop's life, the strangeness of what she does to do so. I also loved his increasing bewilderedness, his own oddness in speaking to the bear, the shirt etc.

It's an unconventional love story without a true sort of ending and I respect Wong Kar-Wai as a film maker for making that choice. However, as the fandomer I am, I still what to know what happens next.

What happens next is up to you, dear writer, but so long as it's a happy ending? I will be happy too.

Làshǒu shéntàn | Hard Boiled Alan/Tequila

I said: I'd really love some kind of fic that explores a case where the two have to work together again. Alan gets called back, for some reason, and a case ensues.

I'm not asking you to ignore Teresa - but if you can throw in some form of romance between Alan and Tequila I will be thrilled on many levels.

I'm okay with any rating.

And so it was foretold throughout the world that there would only ever be one action film greater than Die Hard. Hard Boiled is that film. Which I'm sure you already know, dear writer, having offered to write it (if this is the fandom upon which we were matched).

I first watched this film in 2007, I believe, with my Dad (we are both fans of Hong Kong action films) and was ashamed of myself for enjoying the deliciously subtextual slashiness between Alan and Tequila. Then I got over it. Because, I mean, come on - Chow Yun-Fat and Tony Leung's ~faaaaaaaace? Who could resist that?

Since then I've been wondering how I could write them together again - only capitalising on the slashiness. Of course, given Alan quite literally sails off into the sunset at the end, and Tequila finally wins Teresa over, this is a hard thing to do. Perhaps, in a way, it's unfair of me to charge an unknown writer with my own prompt issues - but then, after all, what is Yuletide all about if not requesting the stories we've always wanted?

The best I could ever come up with is some situation where Alan and Tequila have to work together again. Kicking ass and taking names. And maybe finding some time for adrenaline fueled sexings.

Whatever you decide to write, dear writer, as long as it has these two make out a bit? I will be happy.

Nextwave team!gen

I said: What I'd really love is team!gen. With everyone being just as ridiculous and funny as you can write them. If you can throw in some other Marvel heroes to boggle at the team - and maybe a standard villain completely astounded by them - I will love you forever. (Bonus points for asides/flashbacks as seen in the comics)

You can give it a seasonal flavour if you like but most of all I just want Nextwave healing America by blowing people up.

Any rating would be fine.

I've been requesting Nextwave every year since I first joined in with Yuletide - which I guess must make this my 5th year requesting. Huh. So, dearest writer, if this is where we are matched you can rest assured: even if you wrote an existential opus in which everyone spoke in numbers and nothing made sense? I would still love it.

(But, um, please don't write that?)

What I loved about Nextwave was the complete irreverence with which Warren Ellis treated the Marvel universe, general comic book rules and many of the rules of taste. But then, it is Warren Ellis, after all. I would expect nothing less.

I love all the characters and their failings, their ridiculous behaviour, their constant swearing and their badassery.

If you capture at least some of the spirit of the book in your story? I will be happy.

X-23 Laura and Logan gen

I said: This is extremely self-indulgent but - I'd really just love some sort of domestic fic with Laura and Logan. Logan has become an odd sort of father figure to Laura since she was introduced and I'd like to see that explored some more.

Doesn't have to tie into any particular storyline, so don't feel an onus to connect it to current comic stuff. Explore a future!world where they're trying to be a family. Anything like that.

Any rating is fine.

Heh. I was looking back over my entries to find my Yuletide letter from last year and stumbled across this entry where I was bemoaning the ineligibility of X-fandoms in Yuletide. (Hooray for rule changes!)

So I'll let past!me speak for now!me:

If there was a X-Book that was just about Wolverine and X-23 trying to awkwardly be a family together (just how do you ground a kid that was trained to be a killer from birth?) - I would read the hell out of it. And: I want awkward!Dad!Wolverine and awkward!daughter!X-23 fic so bad.

It's that simple, dear writer, if we have matched here this is what I would love best. The brief glimpses we get within the books make my heart squeeze in my chest. Both of them are fucked up in so many ways - I would love to see them navigating a familial relationship together.

Other characters from the Marvel U are utterly welcome, as well. Particularly I'd like to see Logan being fatherly about Laura's relationship with Julian Keller (you're welcome to go post Second Coming with this if you'd like to explore that particular Julian within the fic.)

Write me gen curtain!fic with Laura and Logan and I will be happy. (One big caveat here: squick me by writing romance between these two and I will be the saddest bunny there ever was. Please don't make me a sad bunny at Yuletide, dear writer.)

If you'd like to get a feel for what I like through what I've written (after all, don't we write what we like?) check out fandomatemylife, which is my fic journal, and Fandom Ate My Life @ DW houses some of my Fakenews RPS (the rest is under lock elsewhere).

In conclusion, my dear writer, anything you write me will thrill me. Don't stress too much, enjoy the process, and I will see you the other side of the reveal for virtual cookies and hugs.

Happy Hogswatch!

jen: does yuletide, jen: does hogswatch '10, jen: does yuletide 2010

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