Tonight! On AC360 (29/10)

Oct 30, 2009 01:57

1. If any of this week's recaps seem unduly odd? It's because I'm sick and sometimes I find myself just staring at the computer screen whilst John talks in the background.

It's also why I couldn't go all Keith on what annoys me so much about the American Samoa story.

Anyway: John still in the seat for Anderson. And this time live from DC.

Tonight: 360 Interview with the guy who was something of a hero in the recent Kabul fighting. H1N1 again. Wanda Sykes being awesome.

2. Afghanistan. This is the Breaking News story from the other night? When CNNI broke into my coverage. It was a UN Guest House that was attacked.

Michael Ware interviewed this guy. He says he's not a real hero - the real heroes are the Afghan police and so on who died. He was just the last guy standing with a gun - facing down a suicide bomber.

Taliban took credit for the attack, btw.

ETA: Obama was at an airbase when 18 war dead returned. Saluted the dead and comforted the families was generally what you want a President to be in that situation

3. H1N1 (You're supposed to call it that, John. *shakes head*) with John before the Magic Wall. Doing his thing.

Oh, hi Randi, it's been a while! Randi is hear to talk to us about the vaccine and the ridiculous scaremongering that's going on.

ETA: Sanjay is addressing people's fears. Also - school closings and stuff. Sorry - I'm just enjoying looking at him and letting his voice be soothing.

4. Erica's Bulletin: Health Care Bill revealed by Nancy, includes public option. James Arthur Ray cancels his events for the rest of the year. The World's Largest Rubber Band Ball is on the way to an unnamed museum.

John wants to know if it can bounce.

5. US Economy - apparently getting better. Keeping Them Honest - they interviewed, shit, I missed her name from the White House.

I actually missed that whole thing. Something about unemployment and stuff. IDEk.

6. Sarah Palin vs the Republican candidate in district race in upstate New York.

Strategy Session - Paul Begala (Left) vs. David Frum (Right)


7. Wanda Sykes! Being awesome and funny!

Wanda: He's the George Clooney of Presidents.

Her Rush Limbaugh jokes still make her laugh. Because she is awesome.

Also she grades him overall, rather than on specific things. And she believes that he will get to the Gay Rights issues.

8. Erica's Bulletin Redux: Police in LA looking for a gunman wanted for shooting a couple of guys outside a Synagogue. Jaycee Dugard's accused kidnappers in court today. ITV (ha!) spoke to the pirate!kidnapped British people. Sleep: West Virginia get the least sleep and North Dakota gets the most.

Beat 360! A photo of Boehner. Staff caption = mocking Boehner's tan. Viewer's caption: read my lips, no new faxes.

Erica makes a joke that makes John go 'alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight'.

9. Tonight's Shot: various animals plus pumpkins.

heal me doctor gupta!, ac360: michael ware endangers himself, love a pundit: john king & magic screen, tonight! on ac360

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