Oct 20, 2009 03:00
1. Tonight: Epic Ballooooooon Boy Fail is Epic. H1N1 *sigh*. Women about to outnumber men in the workplace.
2. Possible felony charges re: Balloooon Boy Hoax.
Haha! Anderson: [other sutff] Morning-show-barfing [more stuff]
Anderson is far too amused by that.
Dan Simon is (life from the scene?) here with the basics in tonight's Crime & Punishment.
ETA: CPS are now involved in the situation - planning to start an investigation.
And now Anderson now takes us through a rough timeline of what the Heenes have said and done that was particularly hinky: Wolf's Gotcha! moment and Heenes reaction, Falcon puking on the Morning Show (which Andy is way too amused by), 911 call theatrics, video of the balloon flying away and a clip of Falcon saying he was going to sneak in the balloon.
ETA2: Jeffrey Toobin and Lisa Bloom are here to talk about it.
Anderson takes a moment to tease Jeffrey about calling it wrong on Friday night. There's a bit of chat about the legal ramifications and then they need to go to break.
Jeffrey: I assume we're going to do the whole hour on this?
Oh, snap. I love the 360 contributors. ♥
ET3: Back from break with Anderson's "Oh, Balloon Boy" and the sentence: "The balloon is now in police custody. And that's a sentence I never thought I would ever have to say."
We get a...look at the balloon. *facepalm* And then Anderson shows a clip from before the Wolf interview started where Falcon says "Who the hell is Wolf?" in response to his Dad prompting him to say hello.
Anderson: By the way - I am going to be playing that clip for years.
And, sorry you guys, I've had to give up. Jeffrey, Lisa and Anderson get into this whole big thing about reality TV and all sorts of other stuff and I can't keep up but it was kinda hilarious.
3. Erica's Bulletin: College football player stabbed to death on Saturday. 360 Follow: someone cleared of the most recent Chicago beating murder. Another Yes! Men hoax - fake news conference and everything. These guys are kinda awesome.
4. Women "Outpacing" Men.
Erica has the story. Lots of polling data and study data etc etc.
Talking Heads: Suze Orman, Ariana Huffington and Faye Wattleton.
ETA: Tom Foreman in front of the DC Magic Wall - doing the numbers on all sorts of things. First up - bullying in the workplace: on a survey people said men bully more than women - but women bully women the most.
They put the question to the blog - and got a lot of women replying that women really can be that bad.
~Digging Deeper~ - Suze hates to agree with the polls. Says that insecure women can be terrible to other women. (Secure women are awesome, though.) Arianna agrees. Faye suggests that the reason some women behave like that is because of the men at the top...
5. Here we go with H1N1 - some scaremongering for Anderson first: more people getting sick and not enough vaccine!!!!!11!!1
And we don't even have Sanjay to counterbalance.
6. Erica's Bulletin: Prosecutors told not to push against people who sell Medical Marijuana. 360 Follow on the Interracial Marriage kerfuffle - the JP says he hasn't done anything wrong, the he's not racist - he just has a problem with mixed raced kids (there is not enough *facepalm* in the world). The Doctor responsible for Octomom's kids has been chucked out of whatever society he was part of. (Anderson: And he'll get his own reality TV show)
7. Tonight's Shot: Falcon saying 'Who the hell is Wolf?' ♥ And then the vomiting!Falcon clip.
Erica: I would like to make a prediction - Anderson Cooper will figure out a way to work that back in.
They are so siblings~ guys. It's ridiculous. ♥
Anderson: Coming up at the top of the hour - Balloon Boy The Sequel!
love a pundit: anderson cooper,
ac360: the lawman! jeffrey toobin,
doomed! - sensationalism in the media,
tonight! on ac360