Oct 13, 2009 02:58
1. TONIGHT: Obama vs. Fox. Limbaugh want to buy a NFL team (Anderson: Two sides face off. I'll referee). Sanjay will be here to tell you that the H1N1 vaccine isn't trying to kill you.
2. White House vs. Fox News. Awesome. Tom Foreman with the details: Anita Dunn calls them out on CNN. Hell breaks loose.
This smackdown could be epic. And it's also going to be really bad for Obama if it goes wrong. As the Gergenator says: this raises Fox to equal footing with the Administration.
Talking Heads: David Gergen. Errol Louis (thinks it's a good idea). KT McFarland (thinks it's a bad idea).
There's this quote, IDK who it's from, that goes: Never argue with idiots - they'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
*shrugs* We'll see.
(I should point out that Shep is an exception to the idiocy at Fox. From what I can tell he pretty much just reports the news. Which is novel for a cable news network.)
ETA: Oh. We're still going. This...okay. Whatever. *waves hand*
HAH! Gergen: They're not afraid of Fox News - they just hate them.
3. Erica's Bulletin: Suicide bombing in Pakistan - four in one week - lots of dead, you guys. In Florida a teenager rushed to hospital after being set on fire by another kid. 360 Follow on the Fake Veteran - on the charge of 'Stolen Valour'. A report released just in time says that Health Care reform would raises costs. With the new Nobel Prize winner five women have won Nobel's this year.
4. Rush Limbaugh Monday Night Football Fighting Football Fighting Attempt-To-Buy-A-NFL-Team.
We are joined by Reverend Sharpton (*tries really hard not to think of Stephen*) and Eugene Morris (former NFL player).
You know - they showed a clip before going to ad-break of Limbaugh saying "I'm colourblind" and all I could think of was "Stephen" Colbert. They're almost starting to parody themselves, these guys, and I just...I'm beginning to imagine Stephen and his writers watching the news and just wondering whether they're even necessary any more.
5. Keeping Them Honest - Randi Kaye tells us a story about some bedding company.
Apparently it tells us how evil Capitalism is. IDK. I'm kinda not paying attention.
6. Up Close on Florida - animals everywhere! Causing chaos! Racoons attacking people! In packs! (not funny, not funny, not funny) Snakes and lizards and things!
ETA: Ron Magill is live from Miami. With a snake around his neck. IDEK why he has it. Anderson is a little too smiley about it given they're talking about animals attacking people.
7. H1N1! Is the vaccine evil? Is it good? Doctor Sanjay 'The Colbert Report guest' Gupta is here to talk about it. Literally here. In the studio with Anderson.
Is it an evil manufactured virus? Sanjay visited Patient Zero. He says: no, it shows all the signs of being a natural occurring virus.
Is the vaccine evil? No - it's been tested and safe.
Does the normal flu vaccine make you more likely to get H1N1? An unpublished report says yes - this one is also fiction, folks.
Will the H1N1 vaccine cause miscarriages? False - early testing says no and, given that this is based on your regular vaccine, it's likely to stay false.
Is it enough to keep yourself really healthy? No - if you need the vaccine, get it.
8. Erica's Bulletin Redux: Shootout caught on tape. Polanski is tired and depressed - boo-fucking-hoo. Hils was asked multiple times if she's going to run for Pres again - she said no. New MJ song, WTFever *yawns*.
9. Tonight's Shot: Jesse McCartney failed at the National Anthem. Skipped a bit.
Anderson burns him without know who he is. Which is just wonderful. And then we have a succession of people failing at anthems. There's a girl at an ice hockey match who ends up slipping on the ice and Anderson asks if he can see it again - then sdlfa;lfa he and Erica are too adorable for words at each other as he blames her for wanting to see it.
♥ x infinity.
heal me doctor gupta!,
love a pundit: anderson cooper,
tonight! on ac360