Holy fucking shit, you guys. Tobey Maguire, Natalie Portman and Jake Gyllenhaal are all in a (very intense looking)
film together.
I can't even. That's three of my favourites all in one place. Shit. If George had been in it I probably would've died.
(Note to Hollywood: put George and Jake in a movie together. I love Jake, I do, but I already know that in competition with RDJ he's not the one I'll be paying attention to. I'd like to see how that goes with George)
Continuing on a Jake theme (can you tell that I had a weird dream wherein I was supposed to be getting it on with some guy but he was spectacularly cockblocked by Jake? (And also George, actually) - I...have some very strange dreams) words cannot express how much I want
this movie now that I know it's in post. And not just because IMDb lists Jon as appearing in it as himself (and given that Jake is playing a senator in it and Jake and Jon get on pretty well, just watch the interviews in the archives, EDIT helps if you finish your thought there, ed!Jen - I'm guessing Jake's character appearing on TDS if that's true) but because I love the idea of Jake as a senator.
(Secondary Note to Hollywood: ruminating further - how about a movie with Jake and George and RDJ? If I could survive it - that would be utterly awesome. Actually - throw Maggie in there as well, she's amazing.)
And finally: seriously, past!Jen? You have no George or Jake or RDJ (other than Iron Man) or Natalie or Maggie icons? Epic fail is epic. Get on that at some point, future!Jen.