Tonight! On AC360 (30/07)

Jul 31, 2009 02:59

1. *sighs*

"Breaking" news - they found some stuff in Murray's house? Whatever. Randi Kaye gives us the early skinny.

2. "Ale to the Chief"? Who came up with that one, Anderson?

News on the Beer Summit! Crowley and Gates + Obama and suprise VP Joey B sat and had a beer in an effort to 'ease tensions'.

Ahaha. Obama: It's a clever term but this isn't a 'summit' guys, just three guys having a beer.

♥ Obama. I wonder if he heard about the 'Audacity of Hops'?

Crowley says that they he'd like to talk to Prof. Gates further about racial profiling and the such like.

ETA: Digging Deeper with Candy Crowley and Boyce Watkins(!)

Boyce makes a point about listening to both sides of a debate - about being sure to understand both sides.

ETA2: Oh, wow. Poor Leon Lashley - the black sergeant who arrived on the scene later and spoke about his support for Crowley - says that people have been saying things about him that's making him feel like he's somehow betrayed his heritage.

(And, forgive this if it troubles you, but this might be one of the things that troubles me most about the race debate. It happens on both "sides" - people being accused of betraying this that and the other and that? That's just as harmful as the racism in the first place.)

3. Erica's Bulletin: US troop has died in Afghanistan, something about a lawmaker taking bribes (I looked away), Wallstreet going okay, and a dog being returned to her original owner 9 years after going missing (this story from Australia)

4. Re: MJ Watch - Randi actually got her hands on the warrant served when the cops searched Murray's Las Vegas digs.

And that's all I have to say.

ETA: Except to note that Jeffrey Toobin is here to chat, again. Dude's being kept busy by this MJ thing.

ETA2: And Anderson quips about Joe Jackson: Certainly that's what I've gleaned from his's hard to tell what he's saying without a transcript.

5. Iran - Neda's funeral and protests. Lots of clashes (some unprovoked apparently) with the government enforcers and whatnot.

Abbas Milani joins us to talk about what this all means for Iran.

6. Tonight's Crime and Punishment picks up with a story 360 has looked at before: a man who was sent to prison for life for a murder he didn't commit based on the evidence of a dog tracking the man's scent.

IIRC he was exonerated by DNA recently.

ETA: And here's Jeffrey Toobin back to talk more law and science and whatnot. He is very down on ballistics. This makes Abby Sciuto sadface.

7. Erica's Bulletin Redux: US officer says that it's time for the US to 'declare victor in Iraq and get out', ESPN reporter calls 911 on paps, car chase where a seven year-old stole a car so he could get out of church.

Beat 360! :D Today's picture was Obama.

Hey! @jackgraycnn won Beat 360.

8. Tonight's Shot: comes via Andy's latest appearance as the Regis in 'Live with Regis and Kelly'.

Anderson interviewed The Bachelorette. And, oh, wow. Anderson. He asked "How many did you actually sleep with?" and everyone sorted of flailed about it and Andy was epically amazing.

Haha. Erica knows the name of the only one of these sorts of people that's actually got married. And Andy recalls some random details and -

Erica: I love that you know these things.

And Andy blushes and, OMG, you guys - they are such girlfriends! (You know - in that platonic friendshippy kind of way.) Do you think they stay up late talking about that cute Jon Stewart over at The Daily Show? Or that dreamy Stephen Colbert? Or the southern gentleman that is Shep Smith? Or the brash bombast of Keith Olbermann?


Yeah. I've totally had too much fun with that one.

love a pundit: anderson cooper, bossman obama, ac360: the lawman! jeffrey toobin, skipgate clusterfuck, mj watch update: still dead, tonight! on ac360

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