1. I think I've worked out that, if I get up early enough, I might just be able to see SPN 4x16 before I get on the train. (and, possibly, if I make an effort TDS and TCR as well)
2. Sideways to that - I completely forgot to mention the dream I had about making out, a lot, with Misha Collins. I suspect that this is entirely the fault of
tracy_loo_who for going on and on and on and on about him recently. (And that's not really a complaint, bb, it's just an observation)
3. So. Due to...happenings...I'm not going to Canterbury. I was going to be spending the rest of that week in London but, due to being shortpaid this week, that's not going to happen now. :(
Oh, well, I'll just have to try another time.
morganmuffle do you have an idea when/where meeting up will occur on Saturday? I need to know how much rugby I will be able to watch.
Nnngh. It's genuinely hurting that Ireland could get the Grand Slam this year and I might miss it.
4. I'm not sure if there is a 4?
5. Fuck you, AI-. Oh, wait, I've said that enough, haven't I?
Okay, sure, the bonuses are only 1% of the bailout money - but I think the point of this isn't entirely about the money, now, it's the principle. It's about asshole executives giving themselves green-lined pats on the back even though they've effectively run the company into the ground. AIG needs to be saved because the blasted company has its fingers in too many different country's pies - and the bastards know it.
Ugh. Sometimes the financial sector makes me sick to the stomach.