Something's out to get me

May 08, 2006 17:16

My thesis is in. My life can begin again.

It took me an hour and a half to print the stupid thing. First, I couldn't connect to the internet. Then a half hour later when I could, I couldn't log on to any of the computers. Then finally I could log on to a computer, and it wouldn't print. So I had to walk 10 minutes to the next computing station, only to have to wait another 10 minutes before I could get on to a computer. Then I try and print, but it doesn't like printing over 20 pages. AHHHHHHHHHH. Then after I finally printed out the two copies, I walked the 10 minutes back to give the paper to the professor, and he isn't even there. It's okay, I put them in his box and walk another 10 minutes to the class that I'm basically an hour late for, and there's no one there, which is just great because the final exam questions were handed out at that class, and now I have to go see the professor to get them. I'm fed up and have a class at 5:30 and have to make copies of the final evaluations, so what do I do? I figure, ah, I'll be at the library, I'll try out one of their copiers. $2.00 later I've printed a measley 6 pages. Of course the machines only take dollar bills, and you have to buy one of the stupid plastic cards to make the thing work. Finally, evals copied, thesis turned in, I might as well sit down at one of these oh so close computers and surf the net. 6 computers later I find one that allows me to actually go online and bitch on livejournal.

Had a great double date w/ Aaron and Grace. Saw thank you for smoking. Liked it. Pretty much worth matinee price. Definitely worth renting.

Tonight I have to go sword fighting, dance practice for the performance, write the last lab for my Fire class because I'm seeing Michele tomorrow when I'd normally be writing it, pack because Nicole's gramma's going to be taking stuff down.

Summer: didn't get the cool high paying job in Ukiah. Maybe I'll work at the student store if I can get about 40 hours a week. Maybe I'll work at a friend's mom's summer daycamp. Maybe I'll go down to LA and find a job there. Who knows.

This semester: went to Mexico, saw pyramids, swam with sea turtles, had good food. didn't get to do a prescribed burn. went to May Day and danced up the sun. Saw lots of CSI and Law and Order:SVU. Ate nothing but meat for a week. At out every night for one week. Worked like a madman at the Cal Student Store. helped Nicole start the Mentor program, where we helped out international students coming to Berkeley to study by picking them up from the airport, taking them touring, hooking them up with a mentor who was supposed to help them out over the semester. It didn't go as well as planned, but what does these days?

Too much BookWorlds drama. I miss the good old days of holy macaroni cows, hobbiks, and parties at heaven.

Left to do for school: declare scandinavian minor (already declared forestry minor), fire lab, fire final, Finnish Culture take home final, environment group write up and individual project, graduate.

Time for the last Magic class. My last BookWorlds class *tear*
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