Lalalallaallaaaa! *pokes things*

Dec 12, 2004 12:11

Well, I'm finally updating my journal! And do I have alot of things to cover!

First things first, last weekend I went to my first Anime convention and had the best time! No adult, no supervision. I met some awesome people Icluding a girl who instentaniously adopted me as her sister, a Vampire Kitty boy named Junpei, And a girl dressed as a char called Muroku(sp?) who kept hitting on me. We ended up spending the night at the convention hall, sleeping wherever there was room. I slept uncofortably across two leather chairs, laying over the armrests. the other 5 people ether didn't sleep at all, or slept piled up one the one couch. I also played tag with a random person that looked somewhat like BJ and chatted with a guy named Spike, who cried during LOTR. (May there be more people in the world like that)

Next up, LOST! I metioned before that this is the most awesome show ever, and it keeps getting better. I have finally found my soft spot for Jack, the main char. I WILL NOT SPARE YOU ON THE SPOILERS! When Charlie was hung (!!!) Jack started sobbing (as was the rest of us, I could feel the ground tremble as Millions of crazed fangirls cried "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! simontaneously) and trying to do CPR (baddly If I do say so my self, as I am Trained in giving CPR.*waves First aid card proudly*) It broke my heart. On the bright side Jack has invented a new way of resusitating hanging victims!

1) Give the victim 1 deep breath
2) Then deliver 15 weak cheat compressions
3) Proceed MONKEY WAILING at the victims chest until he has been revived or you have PULVERIZED all his RIBS!!!!!!!
4) Cradle the victim like a newborn and sob untill all us fans swoon.

My god Dom can act his face off.....

*is over-doing the caps*
*A Laptop!
*A car that runs!
*The Sims 2 *hopehopehope* (Accualy there is hope for this one cause my mom wants it too)
*A wubby! (Stop looking at me that way! *huggles wubby*)
*A personalized set of emoticons *bats eyelashes at anyone who cares to help her*

Wll see ya later I Have Baking to do! *dons cape and flys away*

television, life, geek-out

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