Series ~ Tsunagu 8 Shunsuke and Ren

Feb 25, 2024 14:54

When Ren and Shunsuke are finally one before the other, an unexpected version of Micchi appears...

Shunsuke and Ren

"Michieda-kun? Michieda-kun?!"

A strangled noise escapes Michieda's throat, and he quickly covers his mouth with his hand.

It's supposed to be the gentle and soothing voice he'd love to hear every minute and day and basically every moment of his life, without ever getting tired.

And yet, of all voices, it's the last one he wants to hear right now.

It's embarrassing to say the least, as locked as he is in a toilet, with Meguro Ren on the other side of the barrier.

"Michieda-kun... is that really you inside here? Can you... do you feel like answering? Are you alright? Oh, gosh... I might sound this ridiculous... it must be a stupid question to address to someone who is closed up in a toilet, right?"

"I-It's... not," Michieda squeaks. "Meguro-kun... you shouldn't… should not be here..."

Meguro Ren chuckles, outside.

"First of all, I'm glad it's you, Michieda-kun."


"I was already wondering whether Raul might have pulled a prank on me, but he didn't look like he was, so I got even more nervous when I reached this room and-"

"Meguro-kun, you should indeed be following Raul and tell him he's such a good guy, and-"

"Michieda-kun, I'm so relieved. I really am. You don't know how much I am."

Michieda can hear a gentle muffled sound against the door, and he wonders whether Meguro might have placed the palm of his hand against it. The mere thought makes him blush.

"I'm so happy you're still willing to talk to me even if I must look like an idiot to your eyes, Michieda-kun. Yup, I must."

"Meguro-kun, you could never..."

"Michieda-kun... May... may I come in, maybe?"


"Your voice... Well, it seems quite okay, but I would like to check it myself. Would you let me?"

Michieda blinks several times. He's looking horrible, he's quite sure of it. And yet, his heart betrays him once again, by pounding furiously in his chest.

"I... I'm not sure you would like what you would see…", he tries out. "Well, I'm actually persuaded you wouldn't. Yup, you wouldn't. And besides, this is a toilet."

Meguro stifles a laugh.

"I'm sorry, I swear I'm not laughing about you nor the situation, it's just... Well, yes, it’s true indeed, we're inside a toilet room. But there's no other place I would like to be in right now, and... should you decide to see me, I promise I won't judge. I could never judge, Michieda-kun."

"But... it's cramped, in here."

"Should you decide to willingly share the teeny tiny space with me, I won't mind for sure."

Michieda knows he's run out of excuses, and he sighs.

When he slowly opens the door, his stomach churns at the sight of the dazzling smile he's welcomed with.

He tears his eyes quickly away, but it's too late for his cheeks not to go on fire.

Before Meguro, there's an unprecedented version of Michieda Shunsuke, and the older guy cannot pretend he's not utterly touched by said vision, even though he should not feel this delighted.

The boy has red and puffy eyes and he unwillingly shows a streaked face, with a few coffee-coloured, tiny horizontal stripes curiously marking his cheeks on both sides.

"You're awfully cute. You look like Hello Kitty," Meguro giggles.

Michieda's eyes widen enormously, as he goes even redder and he tries hard to rub his face, wiping the stains away.

"You said you would not look," the younger guy groans, as embarrassed as never before.

"I never said I would not look. I said I would not judge."

"It's very embarrassing anyway," Michieda insists, trying hard to look away again.

"I guess, but... Hello Micchy is really the cutest creature on Planet Earth. I swear."

Michieda giggles, against all expectations.

"Okay, but please don't let anyone else hear you, Meguro-kun..."

"But it's true! I like it utterly, this Hello Micchy that is here today in front of me only... right?"

The younger boy looks up, biting his lips.

"I have to apologize, Meguro-kun."

"Nope, you have not. And, here, first of all we have to deal with these coffee whiskers, willing or not."

"Do we?"

"I do. I might find you adorable, but I think the make-up girls will tear me into pieces if you were to perform on stage like that."

"It's my fault."

"It's not. It's mine, my fault only, if we really want to blame someone. May I?"


Michieda watches the older guy step back and turn his heels in order to reach the basin behind him, caring dark eyes leaving him for a few moments only. A tissue made wet with tap water is what Michieda can feel on his cheeks next, a tender caress gently wiping any coffee trace away together with the streaks left by the tears.

"Done. I hope I didn't mess up your make-up too much, though. I'm sorry."

Michieda shakes his head.

"Thanks, Meguro-kun. I owe you."

"Oh, please. By the way... can we talk now, Michieda-kun?"

"Oh. Er... The coffee is gone. I just wanted to bring you some, and... And you do not owe me anything, Meguro-kun. It's just me who overthought and overreacted and-"

"Please, Michieda-kun. Can we talk?"

"You needn't tell me anything, Meguro-kun."

"But I would like to. Please let me."


"First of all... I'd be so bad at tailing someone, following the hints. Kindaichi-kun would have surely fired me."

Meguro grins broadly, and it's hard for Michieda not to feel his heart ache so badly.

"Like I said, it was Raul who told me where to find you."

"He's told me everything."

“He's told you what, exactly?"

"That the two of you haven't... That you're not... Well... I should not interfere anyway."

"That's exactly why I need to point this out, Michieda-kun. I don't like him. Not the way apparently someone thinks I do. I could never... He's a brother to me. Really."

Meguro stares intensely at the boy, whose gaze darts from the older guy's eyes to his mouth, conjuring soft words.

"Okay. But you needn't confess to me anything nor justify your feelings, Meguro-kun."

"I reckon I really do, instead."


"There's something... Something I really want you to know, in the end."


"I'm not one to kiss around randomly, Michieda-kun."

"Eh?! I never said... I never thought-"

"Please let me. It's true I don't offer any display of affection but it doesn't mean I don't feel. And about Raul... like I said, I love him. But he's not the one who makes my heart melt... to the point someone else does."

"Someone else...?"

"Someone who is right in front of me, right now."

Michieda's puffy eyes widen.

"... eh? EH?!"

"In particular, if I were to explain the way I feel when Michieda-kun is around, I wouldn't be able to express that into proper words. Because it's overwhelming, in one word."

"But... why? I mean, why... With me? I'm not..."

"I don't know. But whenever we're together, I feel very comfortable, and so soft everywhere... the softest. I'm sorry, it's weird, I know, but-"

"It's not weird. Meguro-kun is not weird."

The older guy smiles sweetly.


"And also... Thanks a lot for telling me, Meguro-kun. I'm... I don't know how to..."

"Michieda-kun... after what happened today, I admit I am curious about something. If Michieda-kun felt somehow flustered during Raul's attempt to kiss me, may I interpret it like he might... He might nurture some kind of admiration or some sort of soft feeling towards me as well?"

Michieda turns red again, nodding feebly.

"You... You may."

"Eh? Really?"

"I actually... I wanted to tell Meguro-kun as well. I mean, I didn't intend to, at the beginning, but both Koji-kun and Ren-kun said I should just not refrain from being honest with myself and even if I don't want to bother you with my personal issues... Well... that's it."

"That's... like what, if I may ask, Michieda-kun?"

"I think I like you a lot, Meguro-kun. But... it's probably not the way Meguro-kun thinks about Raul, and vice versa."

Meguro smiles in a huge, bright way.

"Should it were like that, I would honestly feel quite blessed, then."

"Eh? Why?"

"Uhm... Does Michieda-kun reckon that his feelings would be a problem?"

"Wouldn't that be a bother?"

"Why on Earth, if I feel just the very same way Michieda-kun does?"

"Eh? T-that kind of... that way?"


"Is... is Meguro-kun really sure about it?"

"Please tell me more about it yourself, Michieda-kun."

"Uhm... The way I feel about Meguro-kun... I don't know how I should call it, to tell the truth..."

"Is a name even necessary?"

"Isn't... it?"

"Michieda-kun, let's see... do you trust me?"

"Eh? Yes. Of course I do!"

"Then... wouldn't you close your eyes for me? Just for a moment?"

Michieda blinks surprised but obeys at once, without thinking further.

"Good. Would you keep your eyes closed for a little bit?"


"So... I'm right in front of you, Michieda-kun. What would you like me to do, right now?"


"To make up for what happened previously."


"To make you acknowledge the way we feel when we're together. Just let me. Please let me."



Sorry for the (very long) lack of update but RL is still keeping me prisoner of it, that's it. So please bear with me a little longer, if you may.
I've added a bonus chapter, so the story will end with chapter 10 instead of chapter 9. So we can say next one will be the story finale (sort of it) and the bonus will be an epilogue (sort of).
Thanks for reading and appreciating!

genre: crack, genre: comedy, pairing: mememichi, rating: pg13, genre: fluff, length: chaptered

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