Two Shots ~ Kitto Daijoubu - Dakishimete mamoru kara 1 -

Aug 03, 2022 01:13

Meguro Ren has a fever from CoronaVirus.
Michieda Shunsuke's first live tour after Naniwa Danshi's official debut has just started in Osaka.
They're miles apart, and they're not.

Inspired by RL after Meguro tested positive to CoronaVirus.
Beware of sappiness.


Chapter 1: My boyfriend in pink

Chapter Text

28th July 2022, Osaka, 05:30

He has slept nothing, but he isn't surprised.

The emotions of the first day of Naniwa Danshi 1st Love Tour, finally held the previous day after the cancellation of their Tokyo dates and the first Osaka one, blur with the constant feeling of worry and anxiety nestled deep in his stomach.

It's 28th July, a day he'll never forget anyway.

He's at home in Osaka but, for once, he wishes he wasn't.

Michieda sighs, staring blankly at the screen of his smartphone displaying no news.

Is he resting, he cannot help but wonder. And worry, worry helplessly.

Because when it's the heart being involved, there's nothing one can do about it, Daigo wisely keeps telling him.

27th July 2022, Osaka, 22:45

"So, how's your fever?"

"Gone down."

Michieda's eyes visibly narrow at the smartphone he's holding, video call open with a certain Tokyo resident.

"Don't even try to fool me, Meguro-kun. Fever induced by CoronaVirus doesn't go down in the evening. I experienced that myself."

"Okay then. Gone down a little."

"Did you take your medicine?"

"I did."

"Are you drinking enough to keep hydrated?"

"I am."

"Are you feeling cold? Shivering?"

"Nope. Just slightly tired."

Michieda glares again.

"I can see you shiver," he hisses, "and those are not the eyes of someone who is just slighty tired. You look exhausted."

"I'm just a bit off, I guess."

"You are not."

"Uhm... I thought Koji was an overprotective mom, but that was indeed before meeting Michieda-kun."

"I'm being serious."

"So am I."

"And I do worry. A lot."

"Sorry... I'm the worst. I actually feel very at fault for having you worry to this extent..."

"But it's not your fault you got sick, Meguro-kun!"

"The timing is quite terrible, though. I am truly and deeply sorry."

"When I'll be back to Tokyo I'll immediately come over."

"No way you are. You've got a tour going on and the last thing you wish is to have it postponed again."

"I got sick last April, meaning I'm immune to Corona for the time being."

"You cannot be sure."

"I'm confident I can be."


"So I can come to Meguro-kun's place and nurse him and also-"

"Also what?"

"Y-you know..."

"I know what?"

"Mooooou, you're so dense, Meguro-kun!"

"I always have been, I'm sorry. I'm also feverish, even if I lied to you earlier because-"

"Kiss you."


"We could... right?"

"We could... what?"

"You heard."

"Please say that again."


"Why not?"

"You heard way too well."

"Why is Shunsuke-kun acting so cheeky only when I'm nowhere near where he is?"

Michieda gulps, and he stares for long at his smartphone as he's also stared back and none of them talks.

"Meguro-kun... you should rest right now..."

"You too. I want you to give your fullest and your everything during your long awaited live tour."

"Me too."

"And I also want you to be free from worries and whatsoever, so please don't think about me. Please. I'm fine."

"You are not. I would like to hug Meguro-kun tight right now and tell him things are going to be okay, just like he's always told me."

"Hey... what's with those sad and teary eyes? I won't be able to heal if Michieda-kun stares at me like that..."

"I'm s-sorry... I cannot help it."

"I'll be fine."

"I know. But I miss Meguro-kun anyway. I miss him right now."

"I miss him too."

"Uh? Him?"

"My boyfriend in pink."

Michieda blinks and stares, before his cheeks actually turn a violent shade of pink.



"If Koji-kun was there, it would be his turn to smack you hard in the head."

"I guess."

"And you would deserve it."

"I suppose so."

"Because you cannot say things like those, you know?"

"Why not?"

"It's embarrassing."

"But I'm sick, I thought I might be forgiven."

Michieda bites his lips.



"I actually don't want to hang up."

"Me neither. But you're a mature and freshly come of age awesome boy, so I'm proud to say you will."

"Uhn, I will."

"Please do your best tomorrow. Please have fun, you little twinkling star."


"You're welcome."

"But, I was wondering... shouldn't it have been the other way round, with me pampering a sick Meguro-kun?"

"Didn't I tell you before?"

"Tell me what?"

"We don't have to be like anyone else."

"That was Ida-kun's line."

"Oh. Was it?"

Michieda giggles.

"You're rambling."

"I was being serious."

"I know. And thank you for being just like Ida-kun."

"Michieda-kun... may I wish you goodnight? I really have to make sure you get to sleep a proper amount of time."

"Please take care, Meguro-kun."

"I'll do. And please remember there's always Koji acting here as a mom on your behalf, even though he doesn't know. I'm not truly alone, so please don't worry about me."

Michieda hangs up after wishing goodnight with another giggle.

He rubs his face, feeling way too hot.

Maybe it's him who got the most dangerous fever, after all, and not the other way round.

28th July 2022, Osaka, 08:30

>> Happy debut anniversary. Please do your best and mesmerize the audience. I'll be waiting for your report when you'll have time. <<

Michieda reads and re-reads the texts on his smartphone endless times before starting the rehearsals. He re-reads it, and the messages that follow, throughout the day, and there's a part of him that keeps thinking about that young man stuck in Tokyo even during Naniwa Danshi's bright performances.

'Did you sleep?'

'Not sure if I did, but the thought of Michieda-kun never left me, not even for one minute.'

'You're rambling again.'

'Glad I am, to tell Michieda-kun things I'd probably be too ashamed to confess, should fever have not taken over me.'

Michieda smiles thrice the time, on stage.

'You were crying from joy one year ago. You were utterly cute, and you inspired me to go chasing my dreams even more.'

He runs back and forth in the arena venue with all he's got, he sings Time View with all his soul, he shouts and laugh and cries with the members and the audience, pushing back the fears, hoping that his singing and acting might also reach the one guy who has deeply contributed making him the young man he is right now.

He swears he won't disappoint him, ever.

He closes his eyes, he can see it so distinctly before him.

On one side, his work and the career he's so carefully started building ever since he was a child. His family, his friends, his colleagues and senpais, all the people supporting his dreams.

On the other side, Meguro-kun.

Which one makes his heart throb more, he doesn't know anymore. But it's not that important, in the end, because they both keep him in place and push him towards new opportunities, helping him aim at new goals at the same time. He feels endlessly grateful.

25th July 2022, Tokyo, 23:00

"Happy Birthday, Michieda-kun," Meguro tells him while depositing a very small package into his hands.

After he carefully and curiously discards the wrapping, there's only a tiny and shiny key left, coupled with a cute Pomeranian-shaped keychain. He grabs both with trembling fingers.


"You can drop by anytime, when I'm there and even when I'm not," Meguro says with a tender smile. "Please just don't tell Koji -yet- or else he'll go variously mad."

"B-but... but I cannot accept this!"

"You've just turned twenty, I'm rather sure you can," the guy teases him.

"That's not what I meant," he fumbles with pink cheeks, "that's... it's your place!"

"Sure it is."

"And even Koji-kun is forbidden to enter it!"

"Yup, it's been hard but I've managed, so far. Michieda-kun is Michieda-kun, though."

"Still, I cannot..." he shakes his head vehemently, eyes still fixed to the key.

"Michieda-kun, could you please look at me?"

He obeys, meeting Meguro's gentle eyes.

"Maybe it won't be long before you'd think about moving to Tokyo, or maybe it won't happen in a short span of time, who knows... that will be your own decision, when it'll be the time. Still, in the meantime, whenever you'll feel like you need a place like home in Tokyo instead of a hotel room, I'd be delighted if you were to think about coming over to my place to relax."

He feels a lump in his throat, and he doesn't want Meguro to notice, but it's probably hard.

"You needn't use it if you don't want to. Please keep it, though. It might prove useful one day."

Meguro's hand slowly closes around his own, safely sealing the key into the cradle of his palm.

It's more than he can take, and Meguro is always more than he can handle.

His being such a considerate person, his imperturbable thoughtfulness, his polite way of never pushing himself in any way and always, always, always and just always putting other people before him... it's so unbearably attractive.

He'd love to become a man like him, one day, but he seriously doubts he'd succeed in such a mission.

He's head over heels for him from head to toes, for him as a person, even before than a friend, a colleague or a love interest itself. And most of the time, he doesn't even know how to tell him, let alone show him.

He steps forward until he's leaning flush against Meguro's chest, arms naturally finding their way on his large back, the precious key tightly tucked into his clenched fist.

"I won't cry, because you don't want me to," he utters. "But I feel like it, and please forgive me if I say it's entirely your fault, Meguro-kun."

He's being silently hugged back, a soft kiss landing between his hair on the top of his head.


Title comes from a beautiful line in Snow Man's latest single 'Orange Kiss'.

If there's anyone surprised I'm writing -again- about this topic, well, I am as well. But Meguro-kun (and fellow colleague Watanabe Shota) down with fever&Corona was a fatal blow and, just once again, since I am the overthinking type, writing allows me to deal with it better. Sorry for the rambling & please enjoy the story.
Also, Meme & Shoppi, please take a lot of care and get well soon!

genre: comedy, genre: introspection, pairing: mememichi, rating: pg13, length: two-shot, genre: fluff

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