Hello! It seems like I disappeared again, but it's more accurate saying I've had endless problems with my PC and some recurring sickness and a few RL issues that have not helped. But (keeping fingers crossed) my PC has come back home safely and the recent cuteness of my TORN babies are mending my soul, so I hope I can slowly recover.
The last installment for Born in Bordeaux so is on the way, as soon as I'll have time to fix the translation.
In the meantime, I hope you can enjoy this little cute story I wrote last year in a moment of silly Xmas dizziness and... please have the best Xmas Holidays ever!
Thanks for following me here (and there xD) and for your support. It really means a lot to me, but sometimes it honestly means everything.
Thank you all ♥
Title: Would you be my reindeer?
Author: lalois
Fandom: Kanjani8
Pairings: RyOhkura
Rating: PG-13
Length: one-shot
Words: 1827
Genre: a lot of magical Christmas fluff, and some eito dorkyness. Beware of cuteness.
Disclaimer: sadly I don’t own anything about Kanjani8, just my worship for my OTP.
Prompt & Summary: Santa and his reindeers paid several visits at Kanjani8' Live Tours during the years... right ;) ?
Written on: 30th December 2016 (yeah I'm one year late, basically)
@ Ao3 and