Time sure flies by when you're having fun.
I have had 2 days off from work which were nice and relaxing.
On Wednesday, Kim and I took back his tuxedo and went for lunch at Hector's (something similar to KFC). Afterwards I went to the dentist to get my teeth and gums cleaned from tartar. So not fun at all! I hated it and my upperlip was numb for the whole evening.
Thursday, I went to my Mom's to help out with Luca and Reza. They are so damn cute. I am going to miss them once we leave to the US. In the afternoon, I picked up Kim from the basketball court and went for a drink with him on a terrace.
Yesterday, we saw White Noise on dvd. Quite scary... I won't be looking at TV interference for a long ass time.
I hate having to work tomorrow. Saturdays suck so much here. =/
Anyways, not much to tell otherwise so I'll get back once something exciting happens! =D ... =|
This is what heaven must be like:
The rest of the angelfood is waiting in my freezer..*moaaaaaaaaaaaans*