Oct 16, 2012 19:49
1. I'm an ex-SOLDIER member after going AWOL after uncovering Hollander's experiments and his traitorous ways.
2. I am in love with Mari Broderick who I cherish above everything else.
3. I have been in a relationship with SOLDIER general Sephiroth for many years.
4. I can't stand people watching me while I try and do something. It puts me off.
5. I love LOVELESS the poetry. I sleep with it under my pillow every night.
6. I have been known to sleep walk at night occasionally. Watch out for this, Mari when the time comes.
7. I seek to protect innocents and stop Xargin in his path to destruction of our world.
8. I love the colour red and can't stand the colour purple. It's too much in your face.
9. I am a good swimmer and can hold my breath for up to a minute.