So I will be the first to admit that I probably slept through all that stuff on Human Nature in Psychology class. In fact when I saw the topic up there? I was just confused, because all I could think of was that movie? The Charlie Kaufman film? Not Adaptation, because honestly that one confused the hell out of me too, but the one about the ape man? I thought it was going to be funny, but really the only part I liked was that Hilary Duff was in it. Okay don't judge me it was 2001, I thought she was trying to make her transition onto the big screen. Her role was pretty minor, and her talent was minor too. Anyway, the human nature thing was a bit of a puzzle to me.
I guess maybe that was the point of it all, to make you think about things you normally don't think about. Well human nature? I might deal with it all the time, but I never really thought about it. So I looked it up. Good old
wikipedia to the rescue. Only not so much.
I skimmed it to be honest. Trying to give it the old Sunnydale High School try, and you know what I picked up on? Lost. Yeah the television show Lost. All those hidden things stuck in that show, and driving you nuts each week with it revealing nothing expect more things that make you go... wait what??
So Lost? I guess huge deal about Human Nature. Two of their characters are big names in human nature too. John Locke and his whole Tabula Rasa concept. Which I am pretty sure? One of the names of the episodes. Anyway Locke believed in the blank slate concept that you build all your experiences and that makes you who you are. Great fantastic, except for those of us that know that there are somethings we are just born with.
Anyway there is also Rousseau, who on Lost? Crazy French Chick. Although she has a hot daughter. Anyway Human Nature Rousseau is big on saying that people are really good, but the corrupting civilization is what makes people go bad. I think I like that approach better, but let's put it back to Lost for a moment, because well Crazy French Chick? Yeah she's big on the everyone got sick and I had to kill them train.
So maybe I should go take a course this coming semester in Psych at the local community college here in Houston. I'll crack the code of Lost just by studying. Not sure if the numbers have anything to do with it, but if learning more about human nature helps me understand just what the hell was up with the purple sky? I'll do it. Besides Linus? Faith's guy? Emailed me with some odd question about Lost and now I'm stuck thinking about it. Non-stop.
Oh I won't tell you what it is, in case you are all freaking out about spoilers and everything. So overall what I don't understand about Human Nature, is the show Lost.