Harris, Xander Harris

May 26, 2006 22:38

So this is the place. The place where all the great minds come and discuss those hard hitting topics, or at least that's what I've seen.

Okay, I know that was supposed to say hear, but what can I say I've been with depth perception for only a few months now. I had it before, and then I lost it. Let me tell you the saying you don't know you'll miss something until it's gone thing? It's true. So true it hurts, hurts like someone poking your eye out. Oh and go ahead and try me cause I've heard all of them too.

Thing is? These days I'm a seeing wonder, like a Wonder Dog, or is it UnderDog? No I think he just wore tights. Either way I can see out of two, count them, two beautiful eyes, and yes ladies they are beautiful, feel free to stare longingly into them. There's a good tale behind my newfound vision too, a bit on the personal side, but let me tell you that my favorite Priest Slash Shaman Joseph? I owe him bigtime.

So that's the new me. Or rather the back to the old me that I am. I just got offered a really cushy job at a swanky construction place in Los Angeles. I swore up and down after the last time that my California apartment got sunken into the crater that was Sunnydale that I would never step foot in any state that would make Arnold it's Governor, but alas here I am. The money is good, and I get my pick of whatever jobs come in under the company name. I'm head contractor which is always good for the old resume, and I just moved into one of the company penthouses so really? The perks are there for me.

Basically though? I'm actually looking forward to the reunion with all my former dead friends. Well okay that was a bit mean cause Angel and I were never really friends. I just had to say the whole dead thing.

But yeah, for any of the old gang? Say hi, let me know you're alive... or breathing at least?

to be posted in introtofandom
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