geekery: OP Movie 6-[ Baron Omatsuri ] PART 1

Nov 24, 2010 20:42

EDIT: Because this has gotten TOO long, I had to separate it into Parts 1 and 2. OTL

Hello everyone, this is another massive geekery post regarding OP, ahahaha- I swear I'm kinda annoying most of the people on my F-list with all this One Piece this, One Piece that !  So um, simply ignore this if not interested! I am deeply sorry for this. ;A;

Anyway, this is one OP movie which I think is too fun NOT to screencap.

3,2,1, here we go.

geekery: OP Movie 6-[ Baron Omatsuri ] PART 1


Once again, this is in no way a proper summary or a review, it is simply a recap on some of the things I liked about this movie, so don't worry, I don't think there will be massive spoilers, for those who have not seen this, but wish to....

Before I begin, allow me to state my case with a choice selection of screencaps.


Well okay- so the above didn't quite happen, it's just somewhat wishful/embarassing thinking on my part- but, I will say this; there is a very good reason why Movie 6 is quite possibly the champion of ZoSan fanservice, because never before have I seen so many frames dedicated to Zoro and Sanji being literally nanometers from each other. As a result, I have a whopping 230 screenshots in total of this movie, and a large percentage of them comes solely from ZoSan frames alone. I didn't realize it myself until I went through them!
But let's leave that for later in the post. Moving on.


Very basically, the Strawhats find an advertisement about a holiday island which supposedly promises "fun, fun, fun" and festivals for everyone. But once they arrive at the island, they realize that it is hardly what it seems....

The plot doesn't affect the canon universe at all-no induced plotholes, no overlapping time frames, nothing. In a way, I find this extremely refreshing, because I already consider most anime movies to be one giant filler episode, albeit with prettier animation. So, if you are going to be filler, you might as well be as entertaining as you possibly can- and Baron Omatsuri does exactly this. It takes a break from the anime, not just plotwise, but animation and style wise as well ( thus effectively transporting fans to an Alternate One Piece Universe, depending on whether you'd like to think of movies as canon or not ).  As an experimental movie, I would say that it is successful, because while it is very different in feel, we can still identitfy that it's ONE PIECE at the core, thanks to its focus on "nakamaship".

On to the things I noted about the movie!

Animation Facelift
This movie looks like animated doujinshi. Reason being the style of this movie is vastly, vastly different from the actual anime. So I wouldn't say that this movie has undergone animation upgrade, it's more like- animation FACELIFT, but thankfully retaining the canon looks of the characters. This way, the obvious change in style doesn't smack you in the face like a 100 tonne hammer. The result is pretty. SO pretty.

The first thing I noticed was the colour pallete. In the anime, the colour pallete has a harder, stiffer, feel- while in this movie, they basically softened everything, using monotone hues ( for clothes and people, mostly), and a lot of watercolour blending for the backgrounds. The lines are thinner too, and sharper, but still harmonized, ( probably because they are not completely black; like in Robin's picture below, you can see that her outline matches the skintone of her face a little bit)

Thus, One Piece characters look less cartoony, and a little more subtle. Always a good thing!

bonus points for extremely well drawn Robin. She's practically gorgeous in every single shot she appears in.

Even Usopp is a lot prettier. Yes, prettier. His hair is less wiry/bushy, with a strange ink-like smoothness. In my opinion, he has the best design in this movie- caps, bandannas, African braids, glasses....

Sanji looks like Durarara's Shizuo here.

You can sort of tell that Oda didn't have a hand in the visual designs of the characters here. One look at Sanji's shirt and you know. (  Oda usually dresses Sanji in pinks for some reason, complete with flowery motifs ) As opposed to Oda's loud, exaggerated, and "busy" style, the characters here are wearing very subdued clothes- simple colors, minimalist patterns. It's very nice though, so no complaints.

Another factor as to why Baron Omatsuri has such a fluid, smooth feel. There is minimal use of static frames, and everyone seems to be moving at some point- save for a few frames ( like the dinner scene ). In the first scene below, Zoro is constantly pumping weights, and Chopper is animated jumping up and down in excitement. In the second screenshot, when they arrive at the island, Luffy is running back and forth like a loon in contrast to Usopp, who is standing still. You would be surprised at how little things like these add to the liveliness of a scene.

In this opening scene, everyone but Zoro is pumped up about the advert about the "Holiday Island". He seems to lift weights in every movie, huh? He was lifting weights in Strong World too....

Luffy: Yahoo!!!!! ( runs back and forth and is basically the only one that's happy about landing on a deserted island )

Scenery Porn
 I just HAVE to note the setting of the movies I watch- to me it is pivotal to the movie's feel, so a bad, plain setting = half the enjoyment.

In this movie's case, A+ !!!
The Baron Omatsuri beats Strong World, hands down, for scenery porn, in my opinion.
The backdrops look like they came right out of a tourism catalogue!

Let the pictures speak.

arrival at the Secret Island

after ocean-themed scenery porn, you get lush, jungle themed scenery porn ! : D

This is a part of the Island, and it screams Las Vegas x Taj Mahal x Carnival-gone-on-acid

Traps that Involve Sanji
I have no idea why this is even a category, but...yeah.

The island is full of traps that suspiciously resemble the Baron, for some reason.

This is Baron Omatsuri, and the first thing I thought about when I saw him was, "palm tree!"

Sanji reacts predictably, but Luffy only notices the leaves on their heads....hahaha

Genki Luffy

I know that Luffy is usually "genki" in the anime, but in the movie, he becomes even more enthusiastic and childish! I had no idea that was possible ! I attribute this, again- to the animation- I think Luffy moves the most when he speaks. Whenever he's reciting his dialogue, his head is bobbing, his hands are flailing about, his facial expressions constantly change- grinning one minute and yelling the next.... And they say Luffy is 17 in the manga? Honestly, one cannot tell. He's like this cute little hyperactive kid. : D I think that the added movement for Luffy is a really cool move on the animator's part to emphasize his zest and generally adventurous nature.

Baron: Brave Pirates who have crossed the Grand Line!
Luffy: Haik! Haik!haik!haik!haikhaikhaikhaik!! ( "haik!", as in yes! yes!, and Luffy's seiyuu is saying it so cutely here, what with Luffy waving his hands about and jumping in the air, aaa so cute ;A; )

When the Baron tells the crew that they would have to undergo a "test from hell", Luffy is, predictably, the only one who is excited- and he makes the most adorable facial expressions.

Nami: LUFFY!

Luffy and his "I trust you wholeheartedly' smile.

Basically after Luffy says that everyone sorts of goes "dawww, you- oh hell, fine, we'll take part!", with Usopp being the last one to agree.

The Goldfish Netting Competition

The first "test of hell" the Strawhats are made to go through- and is one of the most epic/fun parts of this movie, for the sheer ridiculousness of the competition, and the methods the Strawhats resort to in order to win.

Their competition. Random trivia, but the same seiyuu voiced Kohza of the Alabasta arc, and I really COULD NOT tell. Kohza is one of the more dashing men Oda has designed, so it was strange seeing him as this bumbling character.

hahaha, one of the funnier jokes in the movie, where Usopp brags about being a famous goldfish catcher to the very naive Chopper and Muchiguro, then suddenly admits that he's bragging. The faces Chopper and Muchiguro made were hilarious. ;D

Usopp's all ready to take charge when everyone realizes that what they're gonna net isn't some cute, tiny goldfish......

Usopp does what Usopp does best, run away.  It basically becomes a "pass the baton" fest after this.

As mentioned before, their "prey" isn't some cute tiny goldfish....

Sanji swoops to Nami's rescue...

That's Sanji falling into the sea at the background after kicking the goldfish.
Meanwhile, to all Zoro +Nami fans, feel free to photoshop that net into a rose, or something.


The awesome range of facial expressions the Strawhats have as they struggle against their "prey" upped the entertainment value about 50%. :D

The Strawhats celebrating their win.
group shot! I love taking these. Especially since even Zoro is dancing in this one... hahaha

PART 2 ?
The main ZoSan section starts here... hahaha. It's rather extensive so I thought I should break it up.

geekery, zosan, one piece

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