All the things I wanted to Say

Aug 14, 2010 02:28

t h i n g s

edit/image not mine. Taken from a One Piece doujin. Unfortunately, I lost the doujin, but I saved the picture.
I like it a lot.


My father said, "One day, your retinas will fall out."
And my mother shakes her head.
And I think- they are right- I spend too much time here, doing everything and nothing at the same time.
There is a lot I want to do, a lot I have not done.
I draw my own lines of day and night, the clock and its hands means nothing to me.

Time is passing but I never left.


I don't want my retinas to fall out,  I don't want to go blind.
I don't want to wake up one day and have my world be a dark, void, sort of black.
I don't want the soggy wet taste of regret in my mouth the same way I don't want my soul painted an empty blue.


One day I woke up, and I felt ordinary, as indistinct as the iotas of dust in the atmosphere- and suddenly, I felt so sad, so small, so insignificant, so nothing.


I don't like hearing the word "average".
I don't like being associated with it either.


But I like subtlety a lot.
I like it when there is nothing to say but everything to feel.


Whispers do not echo.


"Outside, the world is full of noises, but not in my heart."


I am not quite as wonderful as I am inside my head, unfortunately.


I once thought all men in helmets were policemen.


I love you a lot, although you are not here yet.




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