Workout Week 1

Nov 17, 2006 09:21

I would like to say thanks to everyone that came for the first workout meet up at my house. i think it went really well and i am so glad that you guys are interested in getting stronger.

i am in the process of looking up additional exercises and aquiring more weight equpiment for our use.

I had a great time and i felt good about working out with everyone, it was motivating.

we are really the best about order and stuff but just to give any guys on the list an idea how we work out is...

I have a set of 15 pound dumbells, 20 pound dumbells, and one 25 pound dumbell. in addition to that i have a home gym.

Initially i wanted to have a chest workout group but after the first meet up i think that doing whatever one feels comfortable doing is more appropriate.

we get together for about 30 minutes at my house and you have the opportunity to workout whatever you want and you have your buddy's there to either motivate you through a set or to work the set through together.

i am going to make sheets with exercises on it so that if you want to keep track of what exercises you're doing, how much and how often they will be available.

i think that twice a week is good... i will be working out everyday so if anyone is interested let me know when you want to come over and i will gladly wait for you. the days i will set for us to work out will be TUESDAY 6:30 AND WEDNESDAY 6:30 before the meeting.

next time we have a go at it guys i think we should stretch out a bit first and if it isn't hell fire and brimstone outside we will go for a brief 15 min walk to get the blood flowing.

based on what some of the guys have already expressed next time, i would like to go over some additional chest exercises that will help build some muscle to work up to doing puch ups and other chest exercises and also some ab exercises that will give you results without having to lay on the floor.

if anyone has anything they would like to work on let me know and i will research it and we can work on it together.

when starting out things might be hard and you might feel like you aren't getting anywhere but every little bit counts. every try makes you a better tryer and eventually it is just what you do. remember also it isn't the quantity of the work out it is the quality. i have found that by focusing on both the negative and the positive i do twice as much work in half as much time. the key is really finding what you like and wha tyou wil stick with and finding what your body responds well too. i am not master but i do have the desire to workout with other people and to help fellow brothers when and where i can.

again thanks for coming out and working out with me and i hope that at the very least we can do something once a week.
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